Monday, August 29, 2022

Me, my Guru – On ability to know our karma!


Me, my Guru – On ability to know our karma!

“Guruji, do you have powers to know your karma? Do you know your karma?” asked I

“Guruji, have you seen God? Does HE actually exist? What is your relation with Him?” asked another at the same time.

“Every time I look at my life, the question of my karma is obvious and clear. And, whenever I see beauty and goodness in people I know God exists. Wherever people who follow “Dharma” are respected, valued, celebrated and looked after well, God exists there” our Guru replied with a smile “and He exists whether or not I know Him. But till I know Him my existence is no existence. That much I know” she concluded.

I learnt one important point or law as I would later realize. “Don’t ask questions, the answers of which you are not capable of handling”.


# on karma, destiny and fate, cause and effect of our actions, God, where is God?, questions on God, on the ability to see beyond time and space, 

Also read previous post suggested : 

for usual regular questions read

For questions like : 

Why my prayers are not answered?

Why so many people are suffering and dying if Reiki/God exist?

I don't believe in God/healing as it hasn't fulfilled my wishes?

and for similar questions read : 

for questions like : 

Why I am suffering with XYZ in my life?

Why others who are not even doing Reiki better than me? Why inspite of doing Reiki my life is not as good as others?

and similar questions read : 

For those asking "what is God doing when all this is happening in World?" read : 

on knowing what a God is supposed to do for you read : 

like this there are so many articles/posts I have written and have been writing since 13 yrs on this subject....instead of waiting for the answer to be served on your plate if ONLY you took pain to go through all the remaining posts too that are on this Subject, all your questions would be can clearly see where your pain and suffering is coming from.......but to address the pain should be one's agenda for that. One who wants to just complain about it is not going to benefit from any of these posts though!!


1 comment:

Kshitija said...

Thank you for every thing every blessing , thank you for being there for me .