Thursday, March 24, 2022

On beautiful mornings!


On beautiful mornings!

In Hyderabad, India, summer hasn't set completely yet....

The days are being hot and yet the mornings - wow - the mist still lingers and what a view from the window!!!

Very soon this will change - enjoy it while it lasts.....get up early, go for a walk or just go to a park and sit and enjoy this early morning weather - mist filled - it's beautiful - if you can't then sit in your balcony and enjoy the view - it's beautiful..........

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Reflection of soul


Reflection of soul

Every smile, every act, every word and every gesture of yours reflects the beauty of your soul!

Let's become aware of the same. Let's make it happen! Let's express the beauty of our soul in our every act.........

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Sunday, March 20, 2022

On choosing right!


On choosing right!

It sounds so odd that we look, think and talk about people who don't give us love and respect!


we take the ones who gives us all this for granted?!!

We take support and affection of people who stand by us and keep complaining, feeling sad and bad that the ones who look forward to getting support and affection from are not giving us!!??

Are we working towards being in pain or what???

Are we choosing suffering over gratitude???

And we think and call ourselves 'intelligent' inspite of all these choices?

Think about that!

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Trust of a sadhak!


Trust of a sadhak!

I desired. So, I prayed. I did sadhan and waited. Time passed by and yet….my wish and desire remained as they were – as my expectation and desire! Yet, I didn’t lose hope. I still did sadhan and then things started moving and events started to unfold – faster than I had expected. But my wish did not go my way! It happened in a way I couldn’t and hadn’t imagined.

I was happy that my wish did come true! Yet, I was little disappointed that it didn’t go ‘my way’. Sometime later, I realized that my wish had come true in the best possible way – by not happening my way!

I was happy. I was thankful to Reiki and Universe. My trust increased!

This happened so many times – over and over again!

And now, there are many things that don’t go my way. There are many things I don’t understand why and how they happened. They don’t go my way! And yet, I welcome them, accept them for what they are! Not, out of compulsion. Not because I don’t have other option! But, I know from my experience that things fall in place for a reason and at the appointed time – for my good – every single time! It’s just that my ‘intelligence’, ‘understanding’ and ‘sight’ are good enough to get it every time! But, thank God for my trust, I know Reiki and He send the best my way whenever I ask for something!

Now, I fear less. Now, I smile more. Now, I sing often. Now, I question less. Now, I trust!

For now, I realize that it was never about 'fulfilling my desires or wishes' - "my wishes were used to increase my Trust in Him!" and so I trust!


# trust, desire fulfillment, God's will and our will, everything has a reason, there is season and reason for everything in life, 

also suggested read of previous posts :

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

On seeing!

On seeing!

Know this - 

Every closed eye is not sleeping 


every open eye is not seeing...... 

Friday, March 11, 2022

On women’s day!



On women’s day!

Let’s see and boy’s life. He reads – many times just an average student in school. Yet, he is ‘squeezed’ into professional college and he passes out – many times with ‘papers kept pending to be cleared’ till last semester. Yet, he is applauded.!

He gets a job. Comes home and slips into sofa. Eats dinner and sleeps. He gets married.  He goes to office, comes home, slips into sofa. Eats dinner and sleeps. He is ‘good husband’.

But, if a girl comes from office and slips into sofa and expects anyone to get her tea and dinner, she is too demanding and unwomanly. She is ‘bad wife’.

This woman’s day – let’s look into this gender bias. Let’s look at it from ‘human view’. Why is woman expected to leave her (even if be Govt. job) job to adjust to her husband’s career? And even after doing that she is not ‘given her due’. Why? Whose fault is this? If she earns, she has to be ‘telling all her expenses and earnings’ to her husband and family. Why? And if she earns not, she is worthless – why?

Let’s look at our belief systems. Woman – change the way you look at other woman. Why do you forget that your d-i-l is also a woman like you?

Let’s not beget sons and feel proud of it!? Let’s teach them to share household chores. That doesn’t make them ‘good’. That makes them sensible and sensitive humans. They are being responsible for themselves. That doesn’t mean they are good. Woman when she does both jobs, why she is not given ‘good’ status automatically? Why is she judged for not keeping her home clean? For not washing dishes and folding clothes? Think, think again!!!

Let’s teach our sons to be partners to their wives. Let’s not hear the same complain from our daughter-in-laws that we have with our mother-in-laws on the upbringing of sons?!!

Let’s bring them up right!!

Let's be more responsible while bringing up our 'sons'!!!



# raising kids, being responsible parent, gender bias, equality, character, being parent, 

Thursday, March 10, 2022

On women’s day!


On women’s day!

Imagine a scenario – a girl is good in school and she tops in class. She works hard and earns her degree. She pursues education out of love for it and pursues her job with passion. She is successful in her career too!

And then bam! She gets married!!!

Overnight, her responsibilities become double. She manages both house and office. Both the parties taunt her for her slips. She is human after all! But, she is expected to be superhuman – why? Because she is woman who has dreams and desires!!!

And then, she becomes mother – now she is guilty and made to feel ‘as if she is bad mother’ for working! This on top of her working herself out day in and day out to please her company, house and family members. No one is pleased with her. She is drained – both physically and mentally. Emotionally she breaks down and she is called – bitter, arrogant, unapproachable, selfish, greedy and what not!


# raising kids, being responsible parent, gender bias, equality, character, being parent, 

also read previous post : 

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

And The Master says!


And The Master says!

Let's forget that the forces of karma are working for a while!

Let's forget that we generate negative and positive energies and that we face situations based on what we generate - for a while!

Let's forget that we reap what we sow - for a while!

Let's forget that we receive what we asked for - for a while!

Keeping all this aside, let's look a situation for what it is - for a while!

Someone has hurt you, humiliated you or wronged you - let's take it completely at face value....

Let's go with an assumption that THEY are completely wrong and YOU are completely innocent - for a while!

NOW - if you behave with them as they did to you, then pray tell me, how are you different from them?

If you are wanting to hurt them for how they have hurt you, then both of you are behaving the same way?

Then how to say, who is to be punished? And who is wrong and who is wronged?

Think about it!

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Women's Day special!


Women's Day special!

Thank you Mam' for another interesting homework... I am blessed to have been close to quite a few beautiful women in my life (😇❤🥰) ... My Grandmother (will call her our fairy Godmother), mother, wife, sister, angels in the form of daughters, friends in college & from Meditation groups... Difficult to pinpoint one as all hv contributed to that immense enduring value of love & care...

However I zeroed in on one friend from my college days... "Shanu" was short, sweet and strong... She studied English Literature & was one of our Badminton buddies... She was a topper in her class, was very expressive on her views on politics (a communist to the core!!!) and our Womens' Badminton Champ...👍 She had that strength, determination & yet a softness & warmth that made her very endearing to all... Except for a warm affectionate hug in the airport 30 years after leaving college, there was no semblance of any physical touch... It was a trusting beautiful friendship... When she passed away suddenly a year after that, I felt shocked and sad... For me she epitomized the woman with warmth & love, intelligence, strength, grace and one who embraced the attitude of 'Yes to life'...

As I reflect & introspect I feel there is a 'Woman' within all of us... 'A Woman' who cares, who understands, who nurtures us with compassion... there is that someone to hold our hand to go the distance & say 'Fight, Fight' till our last breath... To that Woman, Devi, Shakti I bow down in Reverence, Love and Gratitude... 

Wishing All A Very Happy Women's Day, May Devi/Shakti guide us in our evolving journey of Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram 🙏🙏❤❤🌹💐

Love & Gratitude - V.Sridhar

Saturday, March 5, 2022

On receiving forgiveness!

On receiving forgiveness! 

Detach yourself from your action to actually realize where you went wrong!

As long as you identify with your actions and words, you’ll end up justifying them – till eternity. 

So where is the question of feeling bad about doing it wrong? 

So where is the question of correcting yourself? 

So where is the question of redemption for you?

Forgiveness is received or given only when the doer REALIZES his wrong! – Not until then…..

Unless the doer accepts, understands, believes that he has 'WRONGED' how can he work out his redemption?

How can he repent? Where will he repent?

If there is no regret or repentance then how will the question of 'genuinely seeking forgiveness' come at all?

Think again and again - look again and again - read again and again - this is just not a post - this is the path towards 'our redemption'.

Friday, March 4, 2022

On doing it right!


On doing it right!

It is better to do the right thing the first time rather than doing it wrong and spending all the rest of time explaining why you did it so!

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Prayer of a Sadhak


Prayer of a Sadhak

I don’t know how to please you or what to do to please you….

I don’t know where you are and how to get to you….

I am not even qualified to serve you or worship you. I don’t think I am eligible enough to be of any use to you.

So, be graceful enough on me inspite of my deficiencies and short-comings and grant me my desire. Grant me your blessing that I may be of service to your ‘bhakthas’ (devotees). Grant me your (blessing) anugraha that I may worship you through them! Grant me will and unending servitude bhava towards your bhakthas!

May I serve your creation through my vocation, profession and my conduct in my day-to-day life! May my every act be a service to your creation!

May this desire be the ONLY desire that engulfs my entire being and life!

May I be among your bhakthas day in and day out!


# seva, service, abundance, Bhaktha, devotee, what to give to God and how to give Him, 

also read related post :

Tuesday, March 1, 2022