Thursday, November 26, 2020

Everything happens for a reason!


Everything happens for a reason!

“God doesn’t play dice with the Universe” – That was Einstein the greatest minds of 20th century who said it. If the greatest Scientist of our age says so, it must be good!

Jokes apart – even if you are a non-believer in God, still nothing happens without a reason is Law good enough to be believed! If that be true and believed, then our pain, our struggles, our fights, our failures – everything must be having a reason. They can’t be for nothing! Isn’t that a reason enough to be giving a better fight every single morning of our life? When life throws us down, are we getting up with a smile? Are we learning from life or are we just moving from one suffering to the other? Once our prayer is answered, second time it happens and again and again, then is our trust build on that? When once we are denied fulfillment of our desire and later day we realized how good it was that our desire was not fulfilled? This happened say ‘n’ number of times. Are we learning or seeing the Law of Universe in work which states “Only that which is good for you will be given to you at the appropriate time and things that are bad for you are denied their fulfillment with your good in mind”?

If we are learning from our every yesterday then we should be more cheerful, less conditioning of life, more relaxed, more trusting in the good of life….and thereby seeing abundance flow in all walks of our life……..

If we say we are learning but only in paper but not in heart, then our nature has only become bitter over the years. Our trust is condition based. We still say ‘I trust so He must be fulfilling our desire’. We trust people less and less. We don’t see the good in store for us not the abundance that flows all around us.

Think about it!

Meditate and find our which one are you!? 

also read suggested :

1 comment:

Supriya said...

Yes, I have noticed this aspect over the years. Many a times I thought that I understood certain lessons. However, I still held on to my old perceptions about that subject matter. I did not apply the lesson thinking it does not pertain to my situation. So, my learning was shallow. I kept getting into the same issue over and over again. I would heal it and see only a temporary relief. I even wondered what the point was in healing when the issue would come back again.

At some point, when I had enough clarity I started applying those lessons (even if it seemed irrelevant) and I could see the issue go away for good by the end of it. Also, I could see the true healing occur within me. There was no pain in my emotion and no bitter words from anyone would hurt my feelings. I would not feel belittled by anyone even if they wanted me to, cos now I knew how to draw a line and mind my karma. It is no longer about who is right and who should win in that situation. I felt better emotionally, mentally, and physically.

I now understand that these lessons come for a reason. I believe that it is something my soul decided to learn and I need to make my ego get out of the way. Ego is one more thing that I thought I did not have, but when I truly overcame it that's when I knew how much of it I had and what damage it was doing. I have also seen that when I learn from within the experience is more satisfying.

The above article also reminded of the little girl's story in this link:
