Saturday, June 29, 2019

Wants and wishes!

On wants and wishes!

It is a great revelation to and of self when we realize we many times don't want what we wish for.....

and even if we want we work very hard to not let it come into our lives......

and if by some luck we find it part of our life, we then put all our resources to send it away from our lives.........







Mona said...

Yes it's true. I feel that because many times we determine what we want based on what others around us want. For example, someone who wants to paint all day, will say that she wants to become a doctor because that's the concept of success for her parents. Or someone who is shy and would rather read books at home, will say yes to a late night party because that's what his friends like. However your soul knows your reality and subconsciously you act against what you say you want.

REVATHI said...

well said....