Saturday, June 22, 2019

Light the lamp! - Me, my Guru

Me, My Guru - Light the lamp!

Light the lamp!

"There is so much of problems in my life and I don't know how to go about it - anymore." That was Sendhil crying out his pain. 

"I don't see the end of this dark, fearful, never ending tunnel. How long would it take to heal this pain and darkness from my life? I am simply tired!" He cried....

"Don't! Don't heal the pain!" she said "Don't sit and try to empty your life of its darkness. Simply light the lamp! "

Her answer was short and yet complete!

We didn't have to remove darkness and however much we remove we had to keep doing it for ever and with just lighting the lamp, we removed the darkness in one go..........

We didn't know what Sendhil's problem or problems were. We didn't have to know. That would just increase our baggage of 'darkness'. But our lamps too were lit while his was being lighted.........

Glad she found a way to answer all of us through one and yet it took years of 'my healing' to "SEE" and "validate" this simple truth!

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