Friday, October 27, 2017

on legacy!


On legacy!

Legacy is not about changing the world – necessarily in huge way but even if I cause few ripples to happen I’ll live on till that ripple effect exists. For don’t we say “It is MY thought. I believe in this PRINCIPLE, I live for this IDEA”. Then even when I drop this physical vehicle am I not living if my thoughts live on? Think about it!

Legacy is usually thought of as ‘leaving behind something physical’. This is the understanding that causes one to leave behind statues (on which birds sit and ...), buildings/streets named after them (the name stays many times but people forget the person on whom it is named), construct various public utility buildings and most importantly they want ‘sons’ who would take ahead their legacy. Please sit on these thoughts. Do you think such a legacy is good enough? I am not saying there are not required. Children are important but also see that they come out as ‘good’ citizens, more than ‘successful ones’. Construct schools etc but don’t think that is enough. Do these acts as a ‘payback’ to society. You owe it to it so you are giving back but don’t treat it as your legacy.

It’s like few of my students who said “maam, you must have done financial healing a lot, you are receiving money from me today” – this they say when they pay fees after couple of years for the course that they have taken long back and then benefitted from it all along! Just imagine, I’ve to do financial healing to get ‘my fees’! Do you deserve your salary or do financial healing to receive that every month? If you are asked to work for few years and paid part payment of your salary with the taunt “You are so lucky you are taking away my money” from your boss, how would you feel?

So doing such charities (?) don’t count as your ‘punya karma’, they are just your debts that you owe to the society at large!

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