Thursday, October 4, 2012

On Death........


How?  The first step is ‘Be’ in the moment.  We are in past recollecting some incident or dreaming about the future.  But never, in the NOW and HERE!  So, let’s start by being here and now! Whatever you do, just BE with it, in it 100%.  Even if you are fighting, fight with your entire being.  Give 100% of your self to the job at hand/emotion of this moment.  Bring your consciousness to the act that you are performing right now!

a)    Close your eyes now and breathe very slowly.  Just BE!  Experience the NOW and HERE moment.
b)    Chant ‘OM’ 3 times aloud and sit silently.  The peace that you experience comes from Beingness.
c)    Ring ‘OM’ Bell or any bell and listen to its sound with eyes closed.  Do it thrice and sit in silence for some time. This feeling is ‘TO BE’.  You can remind yourself to experience this everytime 1) your phone rings  2) doorbell rings  3) you hear someone shout/ talk  4) you are climbing down the stairs…….choices are so many.  What you do often or what you meet often, use that thing to remind you ‘TO BE’.  5) Mentally look at your face every now and then.  Is there frown/ anger or any such feeling – then immediately shift it to a smile.  Just smile.  Let the smile spread on your entire face.  Let it you’re your eyes.  Now go back to work.  Remember, every time you shout/ are angry/ are frowning not only will you get wrinkles fast  but you are hastening your steps towards the grave – ask any doctor, he will tell you that stress, worry, fear will reduce your life span.  So, please, please, please Practise this above simple techniques as many times as possible……..

And start living…see the way you relate with the work everytime you experience ‘to be’ .  so, let’s live life – which we are afraid of losing.
Zindagi zinda dilli ka naam hai
Kya murdeh bhi khakh jiya karte hai…

Life is about being alive
Can we call the existence of corpses as life?

Let not life pass out of our reach and then we end up saying –

Maut ke pahloo mein aake
Zindagi ka patha mila

When death embraced me,
I got to know how to live…

How ironic would that be…, let us live in such a way that
Milo tho aise milo ke log kare aarzoo
Jiyo tho aise jiyo ke duniya misaal de

If you meet someone, meet in such a way that they long to see you again
Live so that the world could say ‘this is how you live’

So, instead of fearing death, running away from it, learn to live life….kingsize…other name for life is sharing, caring, loving, giving and Being Happy! See if your moments are filled with these…if not do,say,write to make those moments express your ‘living’ ……remember – hatred is death. Being jealous you are killing yourself….so keep away from death and be alive….

Here I conclude and hope that you start living.........

1 comment:

Mona said...

Thank you for these beautiful posts on Death Ma'am.