Saturday, September 22, 2012

On death....


What was the burden that I was carrying – I wondered?  Then I realized I felt like Gulliver held by hundreds of threads tied by the lilliputs.  These relationships, attachments were the tiny threads that had held me tight with the ground.  With these two threads untied, I felt so very loosened up and also much freer.  Sounds inhuman and cold?
With honestly look into the pain and suffering that you experienced or fear or imagine to experience at the loss of near and dear ones – take your time – a week or a month – maybe.  But pursue that question and feeling of loss, pain, sadness……..
The TRUTH is so much apposed to the belief that we carry that we actually “like” or “love” someone and that we “can’t” live without him or her.  The ‘like’ and the ‘love that we experience is also for the self.  It is the comfort /joy that we experience because of ‘that’ person which we regret missing.  We cry for the joy that we would stop experiencing through the person gone.  We cry for the loss of benefit that we were receiving because the person is dead now.  Look deep – deep into your pain, you’ll be surprised at the logic/ reason/basis of our pain suffering.  Is it loss for us that we are calling or terming as “missing that person”?  This need is the basis of fear in every relationship that we experience.  We are afraid of the ‘loss’ that we need to undergo when ‘the person is dead and gone’ /or ‘when the person moves out of our life’.  This stops us from living the relationship in toto.
Ask yourself questions like the following :-
·        Why am I in this relationship?
·        What do I expect out of it?
·        What am I giving into this relationship?
·        What is holding me from giving more?
·        Is that fear/ reason good for this relationship?
·        By holding back, what am I loosing and on what account?  Is it worth it?
·        What’s the purpose of this relationship?


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