Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Leaves from the pages of my life.....


Then how come all didn’t benefit from what I got to say or from being in my company?

What was the quality that separated that group into two categories of
1.    Joyous and successful ones and
2.    Bitter and complaining and less successful ones.

Major attitude that the successful students haves is:

1.    They were students.  They had come with the humility of a student.  A person who thinks he knows can never learn.  The second category belonged to that attitude group.

2.    They were open to learning, so ‘listened’ to all I said.  Whereas, the second group kept thinking “as if this is so important / we know this already/ my mom told me this story” etc type.  Their main concern was to prove to themselves that they already knew as much as me – if not more.

3.    They were simple and pure in heart.  So, they immediately started applying all that I told in class and started seeing results immediately.  Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall inherit the kingdom of the Lord.  But, the next group kept questioning, “if it’s so simple, there would be no problems in life.  So it can’t be true / If Reiki can do all this how come she has health/ other issues in her life?  Their every question was to prove me wrong and to convince me that I am bad, wrong, fool and what not.

4.    They had ego hassles with me.  They were not open to receiving any information, knowledge et like from me.  They would excitedly talk about the person/book that they found saying what I had already discussed or said.  But me – they were selectively deaf to all I said.

In short, the learners or the benefactors were open, pure and simple and the losers were closed, full of hatred (many times towards me!) and high headed. How it matters - well that's something we need to know what we are missing in life.........


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