Saturday, June 4, 2011

Continuing the story of the saint that I left incomplete............

Once they were healed physically, their minds also started to think clearly.

As the saying goes, “Healthy mind in a healthy body”!

Thus, the water next became the mirror that was reflecting their thoughts, life-styles and clearly showing them that they had been root cause of all their pains. They all along had been instrumental in bringing about their downfall. Once this was realized, they went their ways mending their life-styles and mind-set over the period of time.

This change in them reflected in the form of well-being, peace of mind and satisfaction in the physical world.

The saint, though sad that many were left unhealed of their pain and suffering, realized the Truth that ‘Having a solution was not enough. To believe in it and then not let belief stop us from doing what is required to be done is a must. That is, ‘Stop no with belief but Act’! And very few are the people who ACT and therefore very few will be the people who would benefit from his good work and the Lord’s Grace.

With this understanding, he dropped his expectations from people to Act upon his words-however genuine and out of love it may be!

When this happened, he accepted the reality as it is!

He accepted that he can only do his bit and to benefit or suffer from it is the exclusive right of the individual. He dropped his desperation to prove to one and all that Ananda Dhara was Divine. He knew it would be so even if the entire world wouldn’t.

So, just by Being, he was Enlightened…! He became Ananda Dhara Himself…!

1 comment:

Swati said...


Thank you mam for teaching us reiki and we are enjoying the benefits of it.
Sadhan sadhan and more sadhan is key to everything.