Sunday, September 13, 2009


The duck that lay golden eggs

The next issue or quality that has a telling effect on my FA would be ‘Greed’. We’ll recollect our childhood story in a gist to understand what greed is all about.

Once upon a time not very long ago lived a farmer named Buddhuram whose wife was called Lobhisree. Buddhuram was happy with his life but his wife always would remind him of the insufficiencies in their life and would reprimand him to earn more to satisfy their needs. One day Buddhuram helped a duck which was caught in a hunter’s net and the duck out of gratitude said “Buddhuram you are a very good man. I would like to pay back your help by staying with you for some days to come. Take me home. I’ll lay a golden egg each day and you can sell it in the market and live happily for ever.”

Buddhuram was both surprised and elated. He took the duck home and it started to lay eggs as promised – one egg a day. His wife was very happy at the start, but very soon became restless. Her fear was “What if the duck leaves them? Why do we have to wait everyday just for one egg when we can get all the eggs that the duck is to lay in it’s entire life by just cutting it open?” these and such related thoughts bothered her day and night and she shared it with her husband. Initially he was very angry with her. But, slowly she kept repeating the same fear again and again and it had a telling effect on him slowly and steadily. Even without his knowledge, he started thinking on those grounds.

One day, he relented to his fear and greed and cut open the duck’s stomach. To their utter dismay, they found it empty of gold. They cried their heart out. They wanted the duck to come back to life, so that they can get at least one egg a day. But, it was not to happen.

Now, what does this story which we know since long teach us today? How does it apply to FA in my life? What is greed and how does it affect me? Share your views till I come up with my next blog…..


Anonymous said...

Finances coming into ones life in adequate quantities regularly is always welcome rather than receiving in one huge shot in a lifetime. It is easier to manage & Plan such regular/income rather than worrying/planning in managing the huge amount for the whole lifetime -As the saying goes "zyaada khana badhasmi hota hai" - more food is always leads to indigesation.

Mona said...

The world has enough for everyone's need but not for even one person's greed.
This is my understanding-
When we receive financial abundance in any form instead of having gratitude for that, if we start getting greedier and aim to exploit the source of our abundance, we are bound to lead a life of suffering and dearth.
The Man symbolises our soul, his wife- our mind which might act against our interest, the hen - Sadhan/our work/our family, the eggs are the abundance/blessings we receive without much effort (probably due to past life karma). It's important to recognise and have gratitude for the free golden eggs we receive without any effort, save it, invest it and once we have enough set the hen free to spread abundance all over the world.