Sunday, August 6, 2023

Further on Covid Challenge!


Further on Covid Challenge!

We are good to start something especially 'new'. 

But most of us are bad 'followers'. Our discipline and commitment levels are very low. No issue. Let's do something to build them.

Let's go back to our covid challenge and work on building our health - once again!

Those who are regular with their exercises since Covid Times - kudos to you all! And those who have left after some time of practice - let's get back to those times when discipline was the way of life for us all.....

Most of us have two excuses even before knowing what 'exercise' we need to do - 

a. is a lack of interest

b. is lack of time

To beat both of them, let's keep the time for exercise small and sweet (one of you said in one of the posts - let's make small changes) ...

So, here's the challenge :

To those who are not doing any exercise at all : Let's start with 15 mts of it. It can be 5 mts of each three times a day is also accepted. Do it in the morning, before lunch and before dinner. Those who can do after dinner it is best!

You can just - 


b. Do yoga/exercise

c. climb stairs

d. do plank/sit ups/pushups

Do any combination or mix up of them all like one day/time this and the other time that....well, as long as you do them - good by me....

Get back with your regime/experiences in a week's time....

This is for one week - that is from today, Saturday to next Sunday.....

so I expect the feedback on Sunday or Monday at the latest.....

# make the best of worst times, covid challenge, building strength during times of need, bad times is good times if put to good use, bad and good times, 

Read previous post on the same for further clarification :

Questions answered:

  • How to face bad times in life?
  • How to make good use of bad times in life?
  • In the right man's hand even bad times become beneficial to him and in a fool's hand, even good times are spent and lost in crying about it or some other time!!!!
  • Good and bad times are part and parcel of every man's life. We can't change that. But by building our strength and clarity of thought, we can increase our stamina to face tough times with a smile and equipoise. We can come out as better person than bitter person when we are better equipped to face tough times. 


Mona said...

Sure Ma'am. I'll do it.
- Mona

Kshitija said...

I’ll do it