Sunday, October 30, 2022

Strength of character!


Strength of character!


Sometimes, we just have to get used to the fact that people are not true to what they say. They are just not as consistent as you would want them to be – that’s all!

Being true to one’s word and being consistent on that takes lots of character strength. And that is the main thing missing in most. And that exactly is the reason they can’t live up to their commitments. They fail themselves again and again.

What can you do when you meet them?

Explain them importance of building one’s character through various techniques if they want to strengthen themselves.

Some, just want to be weak and miserable. They love complaining and seeking pity. They want to go on guilt ride again and again and yet not want to hear the answer to get out of that ride. We can feel bad that we are not able to help them but that’s the most we can do. Don’t judge them. Don’t be angry with them. Because, they are happy being miserable. It’s you who loses his energy being angry at them and with them.

# strength of character, being truthful to word, weakness of character, not living up to our word, 

also read suggested : 

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