Thursday, January 23, 2014

Me, My Guru


Likewise, a person/situation is not bad if my expectations are not met. My suffering is real but the person/situation just is.  For eg., it rains. In cities we complain and a farmer is happy.  Rain is neither good or bad.  I wanted to go on a picnic, then rain can't become bad.  It is as it is! My expectation makes it good or bad!

Say , I want my family and friends to understand me and support me in all my ventures that I undertake.  But, they don't support me or they don't understand me.  In such a situation, the `situation' is `not bad' because my expectation is not met. It is as it is! The situation is not conducive to my desire.  That's all! But the situation is not `bad'.  Likewise, all the people who are responsible for my `expectations not being met' are not bad.  They just don't fulfill my expectations. That's all! It's as simple as `they don't understand me or they don't support me'.  But we usually state it as `they are bad people' in my life. 

Many a times, absence of `good' is considered `bad'.  That is also not bad!  For eg: getting up early in the morning, doing exercises, following rituals, following a certain dress code etc are considered good by `usual' standards.  But, that doesn't mean one doesn't follow them are all `bad'.  Say a woman wears western wear, doesn't get up early et like can't be termed as a bad woman.  A woman who doesn't cook or doesn't know to cook is no more bad than a woman who does.  It's like saying; a man who doesn't drive is bad.  Can you accept it? So, Absence of `good' is not `bad'.

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