Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Me, My Guru

Me, My Guru

On what's Bad?

I didn't understand her statement "If you are good in lots of ways and still are wanting in few areas, it doesn't mean you are bad" inspite of applying it in many areas and on lots of people.  Then, I felt I would understand `goodness' only if I also understand what `bad' is all about.  So, I went to meet her and in her company the first question that I asked was "Now, what of badness?"

She didn't have to be explained anything.  It was as if we were on that topic since morning.  She started to explain, "One which is liked by all can also be bad.  Just as one, which is not liked by many also, need not be bad.  If I don't like it, it doesn't become bad.  Just the way, if I don't follow it doesn't become bad. 

We usually assign something that we don't follow or accept as bad.  Think about it!  It is our like and dislike that we are talking about.  Our likes and dislikes can't be the basis of good and bad.  Why? Because, what I couldn't accept last year, this year I have accepted it.  Maybe, because I am in that situation now or may be my perspective has changed. Whatever be the fact, my likes and dislikes are ever changing depending upon my life's situations.  Then, how can I judge someone based on my likes and dislikes?

For eg., I don't like smoking.  But I can't call a smoker a `bad person'.  He has a bad habit which is bad for his health.  But, that doesn't make him a `bad person'. Likewise, a person with clean habits can get into my nerves and I call him `bad'.  Possible?  Because, his habits are clean but his nature is very irritating, rude or difficult one to live with for me. But an outsider will call him `good' because he doesn't smoke, drink or gamble.  Based on this definition, I should automatically be a saint because I don't smoke, drink, gamble and am not a womanizer too! But, people around me don't accept that! Just as not having a bad habit doesn't qualify a person with `goodness' and in the same way a `bad habit' doesn't make a person `bad'.


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