Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Me, My Guru


Without even turning her head she just said, “Look at the leaf on that Banyan tree”.  I did.  There was nothing to ‘look at it’. I searched for something to be there on or underneath it.  Nothing.  I found it odd.  I looked at it.  She had a faint smile on her lips and she was looking at that leaf.  I looked again at the leaf.  Again nothing!

I found it irritating but I had to follow her instructions and so I stood beside her and started looking at the leaf. Sometime passed.  I looked at her. She was still looking at the leaf.  I sat down. But having nothing much to do, I started looking at the leaf again.

Some time passed.  A breeze passed through me.  I closed my eyes and enjoyed it.  And with a smile that spread on my lips and that which had reached my eyes I opened my eyes.  There was ‘the leaf’.  It looked beautiful.  A tremor of joy spread all over my body. “It’s beautiful” I said aloud. “Shh! Don’t talk. Just see!” my Guru said…

“Why can’t I share this beautiful joy with her?” I thought.  I felt sad the very next moment.  But, it didn’t seem to affect her.  Now the leaf didn’t hold that beauty to me.  With a frown on my face, I kept looking at it without any interest.  It swaved in the wind.  It’s swaying seemed rhythmic.  It sort of looked cute.  I smiled.  And then I realized when it swayed it didn’t bother or fear of falling down.  It just did.  My God! What confidence.  It just lived in the moment.  I should learn this from this leaf. I wanted to share this insight with my Guru but she didn’t seem to know of my existence, so I continued looking at the leaf again.


(you can Related posts of this topic dated: July 30 2010, 

October 4, 2012, December 14, 2010, Friday, January 21, 2011)

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