Wednesday, July 31, 2013



Would I have enjoyed the journey if I hadn’t bothered about the goal? I wonder!

And I think, by enjoying the journey, I wouldn’t have bothered about the time taken to reach the goal and the hurdles that crop up in the journey…

As I was hurrying through the journey, I didn’t enjoy the journey nor did I feel the satisfaction of having reached the goal when I finally did that?

So what is more important I wonder – journey or the goal?

1 comment:

Kshitija said...

I was thinking about helping some one listening to her problems I really felt very bad and wanted to help her by giving money. I gave her too and thought the problem was resolved then again she was telling me about her problems then I was thinking a lot about how to help her then very strangely I realized that even I had many issues in my life where in I need to pay attention and resolve them immediately then I realized when I am not able to resolve my issues in the first place then how is it that I assume that I would resolve her issue permanently and her issue would be fixed for ever silly meeeeeeeeeee............