Thursday, July 4, 2013

Me, My guru


‘you see that Banyan tree?’  her voice cut through the silence.

‘yes’ I said startled not knowing what and where this conversation came from.

“Just 2 months back, do you remember when you had come and I was here looking at it” she continued, ‘so, this is what she was staring at all these days’ I thought to myself and just nodded my head in answer to her question.  She didn’t even turn to look at me and continued “the whole tree – such a huge peepul tree was void of its leaves not a single leaf on its branches just 2 months back.  Now look! Its full. When we see the tree now, we can’t know that she was totally bare just 2 months back and looking at her then one wouldn’t imagine her being so full as now.  Isn’t that surprising?” she asked.

What was surprising? Wasn’t that natural? I thought. I was bit confused.  Where was this conversation heading to? Why was she talking about that tree suddenly now?  No doubt I don't trust her.  Sometimes, she would be so serene mouthing words so profound and other times like now would talk matter irrelevant and out of control. 

“How could such a huge tree have confidence to shed all its leaves?  Where from it gained the trust that it could be rich with greenery soon?” I didn’t have an answer.  I gave an irritating look to that tree.  Who asked it to drop leaves and get new ones?  Where was the need? Now, I was being grilled unnecessarily for it, I didn’t like this tree….


1 comment:

Kshitija said...

ha haha mam I am Laughing now but will understand it and write about
but the bolg is excellent