Saturday, January 7, 2012

More of Caterpillar

(…contd from previous blog)

And does that mean you wouldn’t see caterpillar? No you certainly would. Then, how do you go about-facing it?

Well, when I see caterpillar, I see

· A beautiful butterfly that’s to come off this caterpillar

· I understand that many times when something beautiful is to be the outcome, then the transition period is ugly, despised and not ‘looking forward to’ type

· I remind myself to feel ‘grateful’ for the beautiful things in my life- which I’ve taken for granted. For eg: for every person who is selfish and ungrateful in my life, I thank the person who is grateful in my life and who loves me

· I count my blessings that ‘I am NOT what I despise’ inshort ‘ I am what I whish to be’ and so work on myself even more. For eg: every person who is jealous of me reminds me of my beauty. Every person who hates me reminds me of the joy I experience by sharing only love with others.

· I fall in love with myself

· I understand that uncomfortable, disliked events and people in life are far less when compared to beautiful and pleasant ones in life and I feel grateful for that….

And everyday, I find one more way of looking at Life differently which makes me want to thank it for it, rather than complain about it. And I always remember to thank ‘that’ caterpillar for helping me change my perception……..

What does your ‘caterpillar’ teach you?

How does it help you to feel grateful?

Feel free to write it down and let the joy engulf you….all the best!

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