Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Gave you all the needed break to heal all that anger you generated because of reading the posts related to anger...........Let’s wind up that session on anger............
In spite of following all the above techniques, if still anger persists as it is, then what?

- Accept Y as it is. Snake can’t lose its venom even after 1000 years. You can’t go against nature.

- Drop the person/situation and move on in life.

If this is so, then why heal in the first place?
Healing means through Reiki for me.
And Reiki means: “To heal all such pains that you need not endure and to give strength to you to endure such of pains that cannot cure and also to give you clarity of thought to know the difference between the both. In 99.9% situations it is healed with the above techniques. So, we follow them to get the desired results. If we get, no one is more happier than us. In very rare cases, things may not shape up as per our desire, then healing gives us strength to endure it and also to grow stronger and more understanding. We should have benefited in some way from the situation. It can be a learning and an enriching experience. Then, the healing hasn’t gone waste. It is a win-win situation then. As, if things shape out our way we win. And if they don’t then we grow as a person, so we win.

Without giving a complete commitment to change, how can we expect it to come through?
So, we tried, learnt and moved on with life.

So, this way healing is a more complete and a win-win strategy than an ‘anger’ technique which is a lose-lose strategy.

1 comment:

Supriya said...

Each and every word of this post is so true!

Once, I was in the other side for a really long time - holding onto my anger, resentment, frustration, misery etc. Had a different expectation from healing too - a very immature one.

I expected things and people to change, for me without actually healing myself enough to bring myself to forgive and move on (forgive self, them or situation).

I am sure I read this post back then but don’t think I understood it. I may have let my logical mind to get in the way. But now that I am on the other side (I hope I am), I can understand this post better.

Yes, healing works on multiple levels even if the outcome is different from what we had in mind. It works for our greater good.

Thank you!
