Thursday, October 22, 2009

When God's want to punish us, they fulfill our wishes!


mohan said...


What a quotation. Just SUPERB.

Anand Sivaraman said...

Do not misinterpret the statement by saying god is cruel. It has more depth in its meaning, and if u have a reason for saying so, do put it forward.

mohan said...

Sad to know that Anand has understood the meaning of the statement of Ms. Revathi but could not catch the meaning of my statement.

Anand Sivaraman said...

Mohan can you kindly enlighten me on your words.... Id appreciate it

Anand Sivaraman said...

Should i take it as- 'Though god actually wants to give more, we actually wish for less(or the effetcs of our wishes not known to us in life) and thus when gods fulfil our wish, we are actually punished?

mohan said...

Whats wrong in calling GOD cruel when he is punishing us...?

When you can call others names when they try to hurt you or do something bad then why not GOD...?

Anand Sivaraman said...

Hmmm.... Something to give a thought about. But maybe god is forced to be cruel because of our acts and not from free will??

Anonymous said...

hi everyone,in my opinion,the sentence means:when one of our wishes is fulfilled,we'd ask for another,thereby making a list of unwanted & unnecessary materialistic luxuries.this keeps us away from the almighty because every creature's biggest wish is to reach n be with god.

but in this context of fulfilling our wishes,we neglect our main wish(moksha) and adjust with those wishes we dont need in real.we move away from god in the name of these so called wishes

its indeed a punishment to us.God is not to be blamed here.the blame is on us!