Saturday, June 6, 2009


Do we really hate the person for himself or for what he shows of me?

Once in the city of Anuraagpur lived a wise and loving prince who was loved and honoured by his subjects for his just rule.

But, in that city lived a beggar who was bitter against the prince and was very vocal about it too…. He despised the prince for all the love and admiration that he received, when he a poor man was never regarded with love by anyone…..

The prince knew this but kept quiet for many years…then one day he sent a sack of flour, a bag of soap and a bag of sugar to the beggar’s hut.

The beggar was elated and started telling everyone how the prince was dying to be in his good books and how he was using every means to please him. His opinion did matter. He was proud of this fact. But, in that kingdom lived a wise saint and he heard the beggar talk low of prince and of the gifts the prince had sent for him.

He came near beggar and explained with a smile “my dear fellow, the prince is indeed a very intelligent man. He has sent the sack of flour for your empty stomack. Soap is clean your dirty body and the sugar to sweeten your bitter tongue.”

From that day, the beggar became silent. But his hatred for the wise saint was greater than for the prince for he had revealed the prince to him. His dislike for prince also increased. But, he suffered his dislike in silence………

जो मुझे आईना दीखाये मुझे उससे नफरत क्यों है?
जो कोई सच मुझे बताये मुझे उससे गिला क्यों है?

How come I hate the person who shows the mirror to me?
Who so ever tells me the truth – why do I have complaints with him?

We love the person who shows us our good self (many times imaginary too!) and hate the person who shows us our real and bad self…… love or hate towards anyone is just the reflection of the feeling we have for that character of ours which is found in that person……and we all the way were assuming that we love or hate others……… this is maya…..this is illusion….world is real. It does exist. But the world as we see and presume is a figment of our imagination. That is maya. That doesn’t exist. Beware of this…….

Recheck your emotions towards one and all……..honestly……there is no one to love or hate. It’s only you all the way….. wake up! Love yourself unconditionally and completely and see yourself loving all and sundry……..detachment is not running away from the emotions. They are the best things that’s happened to human life. Detach yourself from this ‘maya’ ‘unreal’ and you’ll find yourself attached to one and all that right way – the way of love……..

1 comment:

Supriya said...

Thank you for posting this link in the recent post maam. This story makes much more sense to me now and I am able to relate to it better.