Sunday, February 2, 2025

Grace healings – for commitment


Grace healings – for commitment

Swathi receives Reiki for 3 days – for being in sadhan regularly and also for giving regular feedbacks.

I am also with you in this sadhan as promised (till date) – with both hands on and re-birth mediation every single day.


People want to be treated ‘as special’. This is one such attitude that gets you that special treatment – be it with a person or with the Universe/Reiki/God.

Those who ASSUME they deserve based on their priorities suffer negativity and cynicism saying “they are not being treated right or that others are getting more than what they deserve”.

When in actuality, everyone gets what he deserves.

Not everyone may get what he desires, but all receive depending on their karma or worthiness.

Increase your worthiness to receive by developing qualities that attract ‘these special treatments’ from the Universe/Guru/God.

These “Grace healings” are one way of showing how our every quality and which quality qualifies us to become worthy of receiving that ‘extra’ from the Divine.

Be smart. Choose the right lesson from these updates and grow wisely and walk towards abundance.


# sharing and giving, you receive what you give, sharing experiences, growing with sharing, 

also read 

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