Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Me, My Guru - On overcoming the past


Me, My Guru - On overcoming the past    


“You all have one thing in common – You are living in the future!

Your aspirations are for the future. Your dreams are for the future. You wish for a certain event to happen or not happen in the future for that decides your happiness. Even this is in the future!

Nothing wrong with that! It is just that when you finally arrive at that ‘future’ you find that nothing worked in your favour. Nothing you wanted happened??!! This has been your experience. And yet we all do the same thing again and again and expect a different result this time?!

Unless we make at least one small change, how can we expect the results to be different from what it was last time?

So, this time, let’s meet our ‘future’ with a small change. Let’s do away with our past. The past that is related to our dreams, aspirations and our wishes. For unless we let go off that past, future can not be!

So, sit and see what is that ‘one past’ that needs to be healed once and for all to welcome a new future in your life?”

Sometimes, all it took to drive home a point was a simple sentence or a single para. Today was one such day! I got what I came for! Now I am to look into my past which is holding my future from happening….


#let go, past and future, miracles, healing self, finding self, abundance

also read : https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2018/08/on-pain-abusers-and-moving-on.html 

Question time:

Ask yourself :

  • Am I reading the same thing again and again?
  • Am I just reading to humour me or am I reading to outgrow what is painful within me?
  • Am I working towards my well-being or finding examples to support me in hanging on to my pain and suffering?
  • Have I changed for the better over the years?


Swati said...

God does listen to you when you sit and talk to him.
Other day I was very sad and I am crying in front of God for things that happened in past which I only wished for.
I kept remembering them that why I did that.
And God, reiki, guruji, mam heard me and have replied through this.
Will sit and think how I can heal that particular thing from my past and make my future filled with happiness.

Aparna Deshpande said...

Very true 🙋🏻‍♀️
I am changing my self and now I am free from suffering 🙏🤗❤️i am enjoying my life with lots of love and happiness 💕💕💕 thank you so much ma'am for everything ❤️❤️❤️

Kshitija said...

My experience of light circle yesterday
Firstly I don’t know 2hen I have set a reminder for Saturday 8:45 for light circle and it had rung yesterday . Then I remembered and the light circle and did my vastuhealing and sat for light circle .
By the end of light circle I felt two hands blessing me on my head . It was a wonderful experience .
After a very long time I slept and I had a dream and I have seen my self in various incidents during that dream it was like walking in and out of scenes .
I was a spectator of them after I woke I had a sense of relief like some thing left me
Thank u reiki thank you guruji .
I realised the opportunity reiki was giving me.
So Mam ready to participate in light circle every week if possible on Saturday 9 to 9:45 pm
Also I am ready to participate in any other sadhan .

Kshitija said...

*when I set the reminder

Kshitija said...

Today being ugadi I wanted to start my life on a new way . I wanted have a new beginning with what ever I have in my life . I didn’t know where to start so came to the blog and typed ugadi found the following posts they were helpful to me . I am enclosing the link below
Thank you


Kshitija said...


Today being Rama navami I had typed Rama navami in search and found the above post .
While reading I felt oh I missed reading it on Ugadi .
Then I thought why not today . I have decided what ever is possible I will do it today .
Jai Sri Rama

Mona said...

Thank you for the light circle Ma'am. I experienced a lot of positivity and calm during the session.