Monday, September 28, 2015

Fish and the lake


Nature, God and everything is ever giving in abundance and it is only us unable to take it for lack of time. For eg: there is abundance of oxygen in the air and so is it’s requirement in our body and yet we don’t take time to do ‘pranayamam’ (breathing exercise) and don’t give body 15 mts for it’s maintenance and curse our fate when we fall sick or call God heartless – when we are responsible for our physical ailment.

Please apply it in various situations and “take corrective actions” immediately and benefit out of it.

2.Few of you read old posts and yet were burdened with the disappointment of not being able to read newer posts. Instead if you had remembered what you have read previously you would’ve realized that there’ll be dull periods also in life. Graph doesn’t go one way always. After every tide comes ebb. Not everything works out as per our desire. Things and Nature have their reasons and seasons we can only learn to flow with them if we desire to be happy. Elsewhere I have stressed the importance of accepting the situation for what it is. Also I always drive home the point of “don’t condition anything because that is the basis of all pains and sufferings”.

Yes, I remember many of you coming back to me saying it is difficult and all that. But, you could’ve used this opportunity to practice this “let go of conditioning” and “accept” things for what they are. If you had given it a thought, you would’ve realized how out of habit we start “expecting” from people and situations to behave in a certain fashion. And that never continues so for ever. And then we suffer, work on this “weakness” and you would be “free from pain”. Yes, you could have done this too!

Like-wise, you’ll face in life time when things don’t seem to move. You feel everything has come to standstill and whatever you do, still nothing happens or changes – yes it could also apply to sadhan. Even when in serious and regular sadhan, there comes a time when time seems to have frozen and nothing seems right or nothing looks bright or hopeful. Such long “silences” that I call them in life also can be used usefully if only we don’t see them with the expectant eyes and dreaming hearts. Just accept that this is “bland and one looong night when nothing happens” phase of life.  Since, nothing is favourable anyhow, be in sadhan more than ever and go slow in life – the same way life is flowing. Then, you wouldn’t suffer so much. Infact, since you had played well, you would come more matured, more energetic (since you had been in sadhan), more balanced and content too surprisingly. You realize how little you actually need to survive and once you know that accept that and realize that you become “free” in a good way. Use these ‘silent periods’ to do all such of works you’ve postponed doing like spending time with family and kids, learning or /doing something that you always wanted to. Yes it’s time to take out that bucket-list and see what you can complete doing from that list.


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