Saturday, September 26, 2015

After the long silence

Fish and the lake 

Once upon a time, not very long ago in a certain village was a huge lake filled with plenty of fish. One wise man who was journeying through the villages came to rest near the lake for couple of days. On the day, he was leaving the village he as usual took his bath in the lake and when he finished taking his bath called forth fish of the lake and said “leave the lake immediately as this lake will dry up after this season.  You all will perish then. So, make haste and leave to the river that this lake flows into.”  Having said this, he left the village and continued with this journey.

Now the fish who listened to what he said were both shocked and frightened at the start. But after couple of days only very few fish – just a handful of them decided to leave the lake as the wise man suggested. They shared their decision with other fish and asked them to come along with them.  Most of others laughed at their fear and called them names. And few others though agreed it was right to leave felt they could wait for some more time before taking that step.  These fish left the lake with a heavy heart and reached the river in time and continued to live there happily. 


Few months passed and the sun was at his brilliance best and the heat caused the water of lake to evaporate more than usual and the lake showed up land here and there.  Fishermen came in large numbers to fish in these shallow waters. Few fish who remembered the wise-man’s sayings immediately started swimming towards the river and as they were leaving were also calling out to their friends to warn of the impeding danger. They too reached the river safely and lived there for long time to come. 



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