Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Me, My guru

Once I saw my Guru tending to a plant in the garden…the calmness on my Guru’s fact set me thinking? Is this calmness something that the Guru has all the time? Is it possible for anyone to have that balanced state of mind all the time? If so, why are we not having it ?

So, I went near my Guru and asked “How can I be calm when faced with a problem in life? I do Reiki but still being tensed can’t be avoided. Right?”

My Guru didn’t answer my question. She just looked up, smiled and told me a story.

Once a man was walking in his hall from 11.00PM till 2.00AM, without a moment’s rest. His wife got up at 2.00AM and asked him the reason for his sleeplessness.

He said, “I’ve borrowed Rs.25,000 from our neighbor and need to return it by tomorrow. I tried all ways but couldn’t arrange that amount. So I am worried as to how to explain to our neighbor tomorrow”.

The wife said, “That’s all? Fine, I’ll take care of the issue”. She went to the neighbor’s house, knocked at his door, woke him up and said, “I believe my husband has to give you money by tomorrow morning. He doesn’t have money to give. There is nothing we can do”. She came home and told her husband “Go to sleep. Our neighbor has started to walk now”.

Likewise, once you give your tensions, requests to Reiki, it is Reiki’s problem now to solve it and give the best possible solution. That is called ‘Surrendrance’. Doing Reiki means not just doing, but also trusting that Reiki has given you all that you needed till date and will give even today. It means you surrender to Reiki to give you the best possible solution. To surrender is to have faith…and a person with faith knows “ALL IZ WELL’”


vijayalakshmi said...

We are what we think, All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make our world.-Buddha.

vijayalakshmi said...

" Life is full of obstacles but don't allow your problems to overshadow your strength; you have to be strong to face different challenges of life!"

R.Vaibhav Lal said...

awesome ....