Sunday, September 20, 2009

Enough of reasons / attitudes which prevents me from experiencing FA in my life. Let me look at attitudes which I need to develop to experience FA in my life.

Qualities that I need to develop are :
1. Gratitude
2. Love for work and honesty in work eg: Japanese farms – ragas group
3. Charity
4. Attitudes with regards to spending – miserliness/ savings

How do I develop Gratitude with regards to FA in my life? And what are the areas which require this gratitude? And why should I have gratitude for money that I receive both in cash and in kind?

I have talked so many times of gratitude that I am sure you have got it by now. So, can I have few of you coming up with the explanations……till you jot down those points, let me go on to write the next blog with regards to Love for work and also honesty in work and why it is important and how it is important for FA to come my way………..

All who are writing the comments / explanations are doing a good job...thank you for that...i wish many others would follow suit. Those of you who can't post for what so ever be the reason, pl. send a mail to your fellow channel who can post it on your behalf...but write ...even writing is a form of healing.....

all the best.....


Meenakshi said...


monali said...

I once read in a magazine of a place called Darfur, i had never heard about it before. Sounded interesting, and as i googled the name for images, i was shocked, to say the least. This was 3 years back, and i still remember i could barely sleep that night.
I knew poverty existed, and i always had my own theories about the poor not being educated or hardworking and what not. But when i saw little kids dying for the lack of water, i realised, the abundance of water in my house. I realised how abundant my life is.
Graitude, is not just about saying 'thank you'. Gratitude is about being present, being aware. Being aware of all that is around you, air to breathe and water to drink, to say the least.
If I have a box and throw all my junk, clothes, books, garbage, everything in that box, obviously i cannot buy the encyclopedia i want, since i cannot accomodate it, even if i got it.
So, it's time, we clean up our boxes, get rid of the garbage, arrange all that we have with love and respect, because it's only then, we can accomodate more.

Anand Sivaraman said...

Excellent Monali..

Meenakshi said...

Hi All.............Good Evening.....

1)Anywhere where there is a give and take involved be it love/hatred/money/etc.........i mentioned hatred here because something is coming back to you which u have given to someone .....its healed....there must be gratitude for what ever had been Taken/Given.

2) The attitude with which we give money is very important.......We will receive the same….

One should be hard enough to take the pain if one gives pain intentionally or it actions or words or money..

Meenakshi said...

I would like to thank you all for sending reiki to Hema.Shez back home.