New Year Wishes for 2020
Here's my wishes to one and all for this New year coming your way - 2020
May it bring all the riches that you deserve and require....
may the riches that you acquire reflect your honesty, hard work and integrity...
may the riches that you receive keep you grounded and happy.....
may you still hold on to people who matter and may you still hold people over these riches....
may you know how to put these riches to good use.......
May you find friends who understand, respect and love you.....
may they be ones who'll stand by you in times of need.....
may your friendships be genuine and long lasting.....
may you share lots of good and caring memories with each other......
may you find troubles and problems that you can solve easily ....
may you find people to guide you and support you when you need to address those issues of your life.....
may you tap into your inner strength in times of need.....
may you find yourself strong......
may you be in sadhan......
May you face rains where you can find shelter, fire, company and food..
may sun always shine on your back.....
may you find a shade even before you are tired......
may your each day end with laughter and smiles.....
may your belly be full and heart content where ever you go.....
May you be a beacon of hope and trust to people in your life......
may you share your bread with them....
may you wipe a tear or two of others....
may you sing song and dance with them......
may you bring joy to them.......
May you have a dream to chase.....
may you have a song on your lips...
may your steps dance a step or two.....
may you see sunshine and moonlight every single day........
(Hold this wish for all your b'days/marriage days and any other day you expect a wish from me - for now and ever......)
**This is not the journey I wanted to make and yet had to.....and whatever this journey was worth, it had its moments thanks to each one of you who were part of it....
your queries, problems, doubts and all made interesting stories and situations here at blog....and i enjoyed writing it may be much more than you reading it sometimes..(wanted to add some emoji, didn't know which one so......leave it to your imagination...)
i had wonderful memories on this journey all thanks to you....some funny, some wow....
some painful and heartbreaking moments too but then it's all part of package - right? So, can't complain much about it....with wood comes termites too!
The joy of sharing is possible only when there is a taker....and so thanks for giving me the joy of sharing what little i knew with all of you.......
though this (journey) was not to my liking or doing and yet it was worth a dime!!
** यहाँ है आज तो यहीं तक का रूदाली सफर लिखते हैं
यूँ तो चले थे घर से कहीं और ही जाने के लिए।
yahaan hai aaj tho yaheen thak ka roodali safar likhthe hai
yoon tho chale the ghar se kaheen aur hi jaane ke liye.....
Today i am here and so will write my travelogue till here...
but then I had planned to go elsewhere when i started out from my home.........