Tuesday, December 31, 2019

New Year Wishes for 2020

New Year Wishes for 2020  

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Here's my wishes to one and all for this New year coming your way - 2020

May it bring all the riches that you deserve and require....
may the riches that you acquire reflect your honesty, hard work and integrity...
may the riches that you receive keep you grounded and happy.....
may you still hold on to people who matter and may you still hold people over these riches....
may you know how to put these riches to good use.......

May you find friends who understand, respect and love you.....
may they be ones who'll stand by you in times of need.....
may your friendships be genuine and long lasting.....
may you share lots of good and caring memories with each other......

may you find troubles and problems that you can solve easily ....
may you find people to guide you and support you when you need to address those issues of your life.....
may you tap into your inner strength in times of need.....
may you find yourself strong......
may you be in sadhan......

May you face rains where you can find shelter, fire, company and food..
may sun always shine on your back.....
may you find a shade even before you are tired......
may your each day end with laughter and smiles.....
may your belly be full and heart content where ever you go.....

May you be a beacon of hope and trust to people in your life......
may you share your bread with them....
may you wipe a tear or two of others....
may you sing song and dance with them......
may you bring joy to them.......

May you have a dream to chase.....
may you have a song on your lips...
may your steps dance a step or two.....
may you see sunshine and moonlight every single day........

(Hold this wish for all your b'days/marriage days and any other day you expect a wish from me - for now and ever......)

 **This is not the journey I wanted to make and yet had to.....and whatever this journey was worth, it had its moments thanks to each one of you who were part of it....

your queries, problems, doubts and all made interesting stories and situations here at blog....and i enjoyed writing it may be much more than you reading it sometimes..(wanted to add some emoji, didn't know which one so......leave it to your imagination...)

i had wonderful memories on this journey all thanks to you....some funny, some wow....
some painful and heartbreaking moments too but then it's all part of package - right? So, can't complain much about it....with wood comes termites too!

The joy of sharing is possible only when there is a taker....and so thanks for giving me the joy of sharing what little i knew with all of you.......

though this (journey) was not to my liking or doing and yet it was worth a dime!!

** यहाँ है आज तो यहीं तक का रूदाली सफर लिखते हैं 
यूँ तो चले थे घर से कहीं और ही जाने के लिए। 

yahaan hai aaj tho yaheen thak ka roodali safar likhthe hai
yoon tho chale the ghar se kaheen aur hi jaane ke liye.....

Today i am here and so will write my travelogue till here...
but then I had planned to go elsewhere when i started out from my home.........

Monday, December 30, 2019

Graph of our growth!


Graph of our growth!

When we heal we don’t just heal to run away from current situation or to make it pleasant again, we also heal the “degree of strength” that we have to deal in such situations. That shows “our growth because of healing”.

The “YOU” that came out is telling the area that needs to be addressed and healed in you!

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Don’t push it under the carpet saying “but I am usually not that”. The usual mistake people make is thinking the situation is responsible for them to behave the way they are doing and hence try to repair the situation. They blame the situation and the people they think are responsible for that situation responsible for making them look and behave so badly.

That is so not true!

The situation is not responsible for your behaviour and state of mind (say fear, suffering etc)

The situation was conducive for your “real character” to come out in open. That’s all!

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Think about it!

Go back on all those times when these things happened to you and see how you behaved and what you felt! And after healing couple of years how are you dealing with the same situation now?

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And the sad part of the Truth is that "same situations will keep coming back again and again in your life till you learn how to address it correctly!"

Image result for situations don't define you Life is one school where we can not choose to not learn "few subjects". 

Life doesn't move ahead unless we learn to handle "tough times" and access that strength that we have within us!

So better now than later!


Questions addressed :

  • When will my "situation" better for me?
  • I want my life to be good and happening. What do I do for that?
Points to sit and understand :

  • How long do you want to sit and fret about the injustice meted by people and God in your life?
  • How long do you want to be angry on God/Guru/Reiki for not doing what you want?
  • When are you going to make the necessary shift in the energy that you generate in your life?
  • From when do you want to take charge of your life, your thought process, emotions and state of mind?
# happiness, life situations, tough times, relationships, desires met and unmet

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Graph of our growth!

Graph of our growth!

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How we conduct when everything is going smooth is not the “real us”.

How we deal with people in times of emergency reflects “who we really are!”

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The way we behave when we are in pain reflects “who we are!”

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The way we handle “power” reflects “who we are!”

When we are given a responsibility the way we handle it “shows we truly are”
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Life takes a turn every now and then. The way we conduct and behave when there is a life changing shift that happens to us shows “what we are capable of”

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Our fears, character and attitudes come out openly for one and all to see during such times.


also read : https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=situations+don%27t+make+or+break+us

Questions addressed:

  • Why is "X" behaving so in my life? 
  • Why is "X" incident happening in my life?
  • What is the purpose of my "fear"?
  • Why am I not "getting my wish fulfilled?"

Points to ponder :

  • It's so easy to look at the cause of our "fear" and "pain" outside us. The cause is always within you. look within!
  • unless the cause changes for better no one can expect results/effects to change  
  • as long as we blame others and situations for our fear and suffering we can never bring about change in our life 
  • our outer world reflects our inner world

# purpose of healing, healing, growth of a character, situation breaks or makes us

The Price of everything!

The Price of everything!

Everything in life comes with a price!

The question is what is that you "really want" and what is the "price" you are ready to pay for it?

And the more important question than that is "is the thing you want really worth the 'price' you are ready to pay for it"?

Think about it!

Assign value to things that matter to you to understand this better......

Saturday, December 28, 2019

On raising kids – me, my Guru


On raising  kids – me, my Guru

n.set great ideals in front of him, talk about them and revere those ideals - be it RAMA, JESUS or Jabala and above all YOU!

o. Love him as much as you can.......but that love doesn't mean hating someone else (like people who scold him or win over him etc)......

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p. stop marketing yourself as a 'good parent' and just be the parent as good as you can be......you are not here to please others - just to be be with your kid......so make the most of it....

q. As a reiki channel do reiki for the kid every single day.

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r..  and above all - spend time with him, he'll grow very fast and you can't bring back those childhood days with him again ......play with him, dance and sing with him, roll with him.....do every little activity with him, enjoy with him.......because at the end of this journey all that would matter is did you spend good moments with him or not? no point regretting later” saying this she left us to attend a phone call.

We ended up discussing all these points and comparing them with facts of life and the various incidents that matched with these explanations.

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Here was a simple question but she had wound up the whole journey in just few words. She gave us an essence of all that we needed to play our part of ‘parenthood’ right!

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It was easy to be simple but it is very difficult to be simple! So true and yet here was a classic example of that. And many times this simplicity made us blind to the profundity of the issue and the solution or working process.

Even today we went home rich. And yet as many days most of us didn’t validate the richness of her words!


(Hope this post answered your questions/doubts completely!)

#child rearing, parenthood, expectations, pain and suffering of a parent, joys of parenthood, 

Points to be looked into and understood :

This is just not for parents or children having complaints about their parents not knowing how to be a good parent. Here in lies answers also to people who are going or wanting to go into any relationship. Every relationship we are concentrating only on "doing things" in it. We miss the "being" part of it. We assume we are already very good to be in a relationship and then suffer the consequences of having one later and then curse Reiki/God/master for letting that "relationship happen".

Friday, December 27, 2019

On raising kids – me, my Guru


On raising  kids – me, my Guru

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h. when he loses faith while waiting or suffering some pain of his doing or others doing, just be there to build that trust and faith in him to keep going the right way.....

i. teach him the right from wrong instead of just telling him "don't do this or do this" statements thrown at his face.

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j. don't set a wrong example and expect him to come out right.....if you lie don't expect him to tell the truth (don't say other members of the family do etc.....etc..). YOU don't lie and he'll pick that from you.....set an example that he can't overlook

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k. create good memories - not expensive ones.......good memories can be created even when you are away from him. You can create beautiful times/memories without spending a single pie .......

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l. teach him to love people and use things. don't lavish him with things and comforts so much that he starts loving things and using people. 

m. when someone shouts or scolds him, don't pamper him or talk wrongly about that person to him. Instead teach him to see the good  in that act......


also read : https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=purpose+of+rose+plant

(All the points are given in concise as they have already been discussed many times before.....any point seems vague or questionable let me know, will explain in detail...
i presumed that these points are self-evident and clear)

Thursday, December 26, 2019

On raising kids – me, my Guru


On raising  kids – me, my Guru

Image result for parents quotes“mm....then what can we do as parents? Can't I protect my child against pain and suffering all through his life? Good questions. Question every parent asks and suffers the answer – no! You can't protect him from failures, pain and suffering” replied our Guru.

Svetha questioned her again “but i want my child to smile always and be happy always “.

“Yes, every parent's wish and desire but still, the painful truth is it is not so.......

they have to fall, fail, be hurt, fall sick and suffer various lows of life”

“But then Guruji  what is the difference between us and other (non reiki) parents (i would suggest you better read it as non sadhaks or people with no clarity or love for their child!)?” asked someone from the side.

Our Guru replied “The answer is :

a.Be there for the child when he fails or falls - without judging or lecturing......just be there for him.......you can lecture later when he has risen......but then just stand there with him......

b. don't let your fear stop him from experiencing life in toto .....
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c. don't let him be dependent on you and the comforts you give him.......teach him to fend for himself....teach him to be independent , i would go a step further and say, teach him to take care of others too.

Image result for parents quotesd. you can't stop him from getting hurt but you can teach him not to hurt others, to be sensitive  towards others be it human or animal or plant - life in general.......
e. don't think of saving him from harsh realities of life instead give him strength to face realities of life 

f. don't push him to think life is all about winning......teach him to give his best and to work on himself to better himself in every aspect of life.....if possible teach him to help others win in life.......teach him to help others realize their dreams
g. your upbringing can make him think that he deserves all the best in the world and that everyone and the world owes him service and are here to wait on him.......beware of this damage

Image result for parents quotesOR
you can teach him to be grateful for all that he has and receives
you can teach him to be good to all
you can teach him to be selfless
you can teach him to be HUMANE!


Wednesday, December 25, 2019

On raising kids – me, my Guru

On raising  kids – me, my Guru

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“Guruji, my baby cries whenever I give him bath or do massage for him? He is three months old. How can I teach him to enjoy these activities? How can I make him laugh and not cry during these activites?” asked Svetha who had become mother recently.

Some of us didn’t know what to make out of her question. But then, do all people get all sorts of such doubts when they “are parents”?

May be, we all have our own set of apprehensions, doubts and fears with regards to child rearing. Does that come out of our fears or lack of knowledge of parenting? In the process of becoming or wanting to be “BEST PARENT” do we end up being obsessed about the whole process? God knows how some of us went through this journey?

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But here she was with her answers in her usual casual tone “babies will cry.....they should - that is the only exercise they get and they grow  strong because of that......so relax.......and no, you can't teach the child that small to enjoy those activities........every child cries......

understand one thing - we can't stop children from crying and feeling the pain......it's sad but inevitable.?”

“But is it not a parent’s job to protect his child from pain and suffering?" Svetha asked.


#child rearing, parenthood, love, attachments, pain and suffering, duties and responsibilities of a parent, 

Questions answered :

  • What are the duties of a parent?
  • how to be a good parent?
  • What can a parent do to protect his child
Points to be observed and understood :

  • Meaning and role of love of a parent
  • Expression of love towards children/ loved ones
  • limitations of a parent in child's life
  • Role of a Guru /God in one's life
  • How much are Guru/God/Reiki responsible towards a student/sadhak
  • What role Guru/Reiki/God plays in a students/sadhaks/devotee's life...