Wednesday, April 17, 2019

on waiting!

On waiting.....

Stop waiting ...........

Enough of waiting....

I am done waiting for friday....
I am done waiting for someone to fall in love with....
I am done waiting for life to happen ..

Let my resolve be to end the "waiting"..

It doesn't matter what I am waiting for or what I have been waiting for - all these days / years / life times....

Let me for NOW decide to stop waiting and start living...

Living not because it is "happening" or what I envisage it to be...

but "living" because I want to make the most of "what i have " right NOW, right HERE rather than the "best" to happen to me....

Just for ONCE let me decide to stop "waiting" and start "living" what ever it is I am endowed with as of now - just for say 48 days to come......

I want to see it's effect for once....

I want to know if it would make a difference...

I want to try something different because anyhow what I "believe" in and how I behave didn't and doesn't get me where I want to be and get me what I WANT .........

So just for 48 days I want to change the way I THINK, FEEL AND START LIVING - IN NOW AND HERE.....

Are you with me on this Adventure Mission?

1 comment:

Aarthi said...

Much needed, shall v all start once again mam.( together)request.