Tuesday, June 19, 2018

On pain and suffering – Frog in the well Story

On pain and suffering – Frog in the well Story

If I am living with a physical ailment, it is good as the karma has ripened and I know through my suffering that I am inflicted and at least to relieve myself from the cause of suffering, I would search for cure and heal it (as a reiki channel) or live with it (in incurable) with grace and the aid of reiki knowing it to be the result of my karma. I am finally emptied of my karma. 

Same is the case when I am facing financial problem, relationship issues or any other issues. They show me the fact that “I am diseased” and hence I would work to cure it but ONLY and only with regards to attitudes, the person is ignorant of his disease and in fact works towards worsening it and causing and creating acts to help this ignorance perpetuate. And we thought “Why are this people not receiving their karma inspite of being so mean?”

God has his ways of punishing people.

Once, a pastor of church was swept by temptation to play golf instead of giving the sermon at church. Flesh being stronger than spirit at that moment, he lied that he was running temperature and asked to be relieved of his duties that Sunday and later went ahead to play golf. There, the entire day he hit perfect shots and he had great day Angels were confused and asked God “How come instead of punishing him for his lied and forgiving his duty you are gifting him perfect day with perfect shots?”

The God smiled and replied “True! But with  whom can he share about this perfect day and shots?”

Dear fun spoilers don’t sit to JUDGE God’s character here! Don’t look at Him. Look at justice as that is our prime concern. Not everytime the justice is meted with punishment dipped in pain, sometimes a blessing too can come as our punishment or in other words “Our karma/ punishment reaches us through our blessing to!”. Look at people with such attitudes! How they create their own hell with their attitudes! They don’t need us to curse them for what they do to us. They are curse unto themselves!

Now you decide which suffering you want to live with?

How and where would you apply this in your life? Which side of suffering are you in?

Which is better – to be the receiver or giver of pain and why?

Were there instances where you shifted from being the giver to receiver of pain and vice-versa?

Has pain in your life stubbed or accelerated or aided your growth and how and in what circumstances?


also read : https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=doer

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