Wednesday, March 20, 2013

On the Road Trip


My questions remained unanswered as Rahul asked our Guru “Guruji what was your prayer about?”

She simply said “I didn’t”. Now everyone was floored. But we had seen her kneel down and pray and here she was denying it. “O.K then what did you do kneeling down in the church?” asked Rahul not being ready to let the matters be as most of us. He knew to ask questions the right way with our Guru. She always gave answers the best when he asked her a question the right way.
“I didn’t pray for anyone. I was seeking an answer from the Lord. I asked him “Lord how come when your children call you by name Jesus keep your place of worship so clean and tidy and why your own children when they call you Vishnu, Shiva, Shakthi and such names keep the place of your worship so dirty? Why do the second set of children spit on your premises? Why they put peels of all fruits, groundnuts in temple premises and yet call themselves great devotees of yours? I don’t know the answer and whatever be the answer I seek forgiveness on behalf of them for their stupidity and ignorance. I am sorry on their behalf. Give them intelligence enough to see through their ignorance and arrogance. Give them strength enough to be responsible in keeping that place of worship clean which fulfills their every silly wish. Forgive them for they know not what they do”.
I saw a tear roll down her cheek as she completed her sentence. She was hurt. She was in pain. But not for herself. I’ve always wondered why others weren’t as good as her in my opinion even though they were as much masters as her. 

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