Monday, January 18, 2010

Sadhan, Sadhan nothing like Sadhan!


baghi said...

how true it is!whatever you learn, whatever knowlege you gain is useless, unless it is put to can reap the benefits only by continuous sadhan..sadhan..even after you have perfected it.

mohan said...

whatever baghi has said is TRUE.
The people who complain about others and who cry about their fate are themselves to blame because they are NOT putting into use whatever they have learnt. If they had practised SADHAN then where is the NEED to complain...?

Mona said...

No amount of discussion, thinking, debating can do what Sadhan can. I did Agnihotri homam after some gap today, felt the difference instantly. Thank you Guruji. Thank you Reiki.
- Mona