Thursday, December 3, 2009

Never ever do as the Master does!
Do as the Master asks you to do!
Because student and Master don't belong to the same platform.....


KARAN said...

mam this is Aditya Karan your student..! Your teachings are excellent and lots of beautiful stuff is embedded in this blog..!! Please excusme as you are new to blogging you need to make changes regarding theme of the blog, layout and even the background color of the blog which strain eyes..!! I even request you to change your blog address to as it would be easy to access..!! this you can do by signing up for FREE at site..!! At any point of time you need technical help please feel free to contact me ..!! Its my pleasure to help you out..!! My E-mail Id is

My Blog: or


KARAN said...

mam im sorry, one more suggestion is that you need to add your blog to blog directories and link your blog to international forums so that your views and ideas can change lives of overseas people also..!!