Wednesday, September 30, 2009

hello uday welcome to our family of self-healers...

FA means Financial should have gone through all our older blogs to understand our short forms- that's all...

next, there is nothing to feel bad/ good about your's just an opinion...and you are entitled to voice's good perspective...the whole blog is to understand the mind game and then to be freed from it - so we are all looking at the whole of mind is not good/ just is and that's what we need to drop it ultimately...

We are dealing with the aspect of FA in our lives right now! But, as always said, English has a limitation with regards to words and the meaning that one wishes to express especially with regards to the world of spirituality (which in other words would be Completeness). One such word is “Ashta Aishwarya” which means ‘eight types of abundance or wealth’ should make a man a complete man. In this list comes last though not the least – our dear cash or assets. It means any man to experience the wealth of life should have eight aspect of wealth and cash is the last one needed to actually feel wealthy.

If it be so, how come I live and feel like a beggar all through my life? Why am I leading a life of penury – whether real or imaginary day after day?

And the answer is what I am repeatedly coming to through every subject dealt with and with the start and end of this blog too….. that is symptoms are many and of various degrees in our life – symptoms of deficiencies…..but the root cause is always the one and the only one. That is ‘we not knowing ourselves’. There is no other reason for us to experience any type of lacuna in our life. But we are….

Feeling wealthy, complete and peaceful is a remote utopian dream which looks unattainable for any normal man – this is the common belief. But, in actuality we already are wealthy, complete and peaceful. Refer story of a beggar who doesn’t know is the ‘heir apparent to a kingdom’.

Because of this ignorance all the reasons which cause deficiencies in our life look real and unsolvable.

Ignorance comes from attachment with the ten windows of our body viz., are five sense organs and five action organs. They enslave us and thereby karma is accrued ……….and then emptiness makes us hallow from within and this emptiness is the cause of deficiency in life – be it physical, social, emotional or financial. Only abundance can attract abundance. This is the golden rule. And so I said “ get detached from the ten windows of our body”….if you really want to experience FA in life…

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Happy Dassera to all of you!

May Shakthi - the Mother Goddess give you strength, clarity of thought and a desire to drop all the attachments and slavery that comes with the ten windows of this body......

May you come out victorious on the fight that each one is waging with the demon called EGO personified by Mahisasura ..................

May you all be victorious on SELF and then in actuality be celebrating VIJAYA DASAMI ..........

May this victory thereby bring abundance of well being in all spheres of your life.....


Give, you never become poor of giving.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Enough of reasons / attitudes which prevents me from experiencing FA in my life. Let me look at attitudes which I need to develop to experience FA in my life.

Qualities that I need to develop are :
1. Gratitude
2. Love for work and honesty in work eg: Japanese farms – ragas group
3. Charity
4. Attitudes with regards to spending – miserliness/ savings

How do I develop Gratitude with regards to FA in my life? And what are the areas which require this gratitude? And why should I have gratitude for money that I receive both in cash and in kind?

I have talked so many times of gratitude that I am sure you have got it by now. So, can I have few of you coming up with the explanations……till you jot down those points, let me go on to write the next blog with regards to Love for work and also honesty in work and why it is important and how it is important for FA to come my way………..

All who are writing the comments / explanations are doing a good job...thank you for that...i wish many others would follow suit. Those of you who can't post for what so ever be the reason, pl. send a mail to your fellow channel who can post it on your behalf...but write ...even writing is a form of healing.....

all the best.....

Saturday, September 19, 2009



The most important for any healing is ‘attitude’ as we all very well know. Then, what are the attitudes that hamper my FA in my life. I’ll just give few examples to reflect on wrong attitudes – please take time to reflect on other attitudes. Don’t brush it aside saying ‘I am not like this’ or ‘This applies to so and so person correctly’. Are we not bothered about our FA here. Then why the talk about x, y, or z in our life?

1. One lie many would love to say emphatically is “I am not a money minded person. I am not interested in money. I don’t like or need money.” Think about this statement. Why do we say this in the first place? What is the message I am sending to the world at large? I want to educate my kids in the best universities and yet say ‘I don’t need money’. I want articles to make life of my kids and family members comfortable and still say ‘I don’t want money’. Monthly atleast twice I need to go to hotels to entertain my near and dear but still say ‘I don’t need money’. Should I continue? What exactly makes me say this ‘complete white lies’.
2. One more statement which is a great give away of our personality is “I never get what I want though I deserve it. But all others get more than what they deserve.” What character is reflected when a person states such dialogues? How and why it affects FA of that person? Please elaborate.
3. Wastage. Reiki is abundance. But reiki and nature is against wastage. I request you all to expand and explain this statement too.
4. Can you come up with such related attitudes with regards to money – spending and earning that is bad for FA?

As you write in detail I’ll go on to write the next blog…….

Sunday, September 13, 2009


The duck that lay golden eggs

The next issue or quality that has a telling effect on my FA would be ‘Greed’. We’ll recollect our childhood story in a gist to understand what greed is all about.

Once upon a time not very long ago lived a farmer named Buddhuram whose wife was called Lobhisree. Buddhuram was happy with his life but his wife always would remind him of the insufficiencies in their life and would reprimand him to earn more to satisfy their needs. One day Buddhuram helped a duck which was caught in a hunter’s net and the duck out of gratitude said “Buddhuram you are a very good man. I would like to pay back your help by staying with you for some days to come. Take me home. I’ll lay a golden egg each day and you can sell it in the market and live happily for ever.”

Buddhuram was both surprised and elated. He took the duck home and it started to lay eggs as promised – one egg a day. His wife was very happy at the start, but very soon became restless. Her fear was “What if the duck leaves them? Why do we have to wait everyday just for one egg when we can get all the eggs that the duck is to lay in it’s entire life by just cutting it open?” these and such related thoughts bothered her day and night and she shared it with her husband. Initially he was very angry with her. But, slowly she kept repeating the same fear again and again and it had a telling effect on him slowly and steadily. Even without his knowledge, he started thinking on those grounds.

One day, he relented to his fear and greed and cut open the duck’s stomach. To their utter dismay, they found it empty of gold. They cried their heart out. They wanted the duck to come back to life, so that they can get at least one egg a day. But, it was not to happen.

Now, what does this story which we know since long teach us today? How does it apply to FA in my life? What is greed and how does it affect me? Share your views till I come up with my next blog…..

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Resolve to clean up the junk that’s unused.

Both Anand's and b.singh's explanations are's so nice to see all understand it so correctly and beautifully and then write it so clearly and simply...what stops you from writing everytime clearly? You both have good writing skills but that can be developed only when you write - so take every opportunity to write - especially to explain what you like about the 'One liners' which i call as 'Key Notes' because they are 'key ' to unravel our mind games.

Anand has come up with his blog '' . please go through it. it's very simple and beautifully put across. good work anand. keep writing....

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

All that is feared is not necessarily bad!

I request those who have marked 'excellent' for this to explain to that one who has marked it 'not clear'....

please do the needful....

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Every act finds its fulfillment or it’s emptiness not in its own doing but in the intention behind such an act. Same applies to the act of bribery too!

The third most dangerous type come when the intention is really bad and the repercussions of such bribery is really harmful for the personnel involved, for the institutions and may be for the society at large. Here, the basic intention behind the act itself is very bad and harmful for one and all. Few examples given below would illustrate it better.
1. When an innocent is framed so that the accused gets away – be it any crime, is an unpardonable crime. Here, the law maker turns into a law breaker – be it politician, policemen, lawyer and who not. It is a clear case of ‘rakshak becoming the bhakshak’. Here, bribe is given and received for proving an innocent as a criminal. It is not a bribe. It is sharing the booty of the crime. And the person who is involved by accepting ‘bribe’ becomes the criminial’s accomplice.
2. The same applies when the person – be it civilian or the defence personnel or the concerned official takes ‘bribe’ and turns a blind eye to the proceedings of ‘transfer of weapons or bombs’ et like items that are the threat to the society and the country at large. They forget that the little benefit they get, they are paying a huge price as a member of that society and nation too. Their families could also be effected. They can’t imagine that. For a little materialistic benefit they are ready to forgo so many people’s live and safety – can’t be a human quality – certainly is a asura quality. Using a simple word ‘bribe’ would be a misnormer. It should be called as ‘price paid to sell one’s character and the soul’.
3. The same applies to any form of smuggling – need I elaborate on this?
4. When ever, I am torturing a girl or her family for dowry and then on the later date get away from the law by bribing the concerned officials –well, there is no word usable for the concerned officials or for the person whose dowry greedy.
5. Such of ‘bribes’ that make an official turn a blind eye towards poor quality in construction especially flyovers, dams etc that can cost millions of rupees lose to the nation and the loss of human lives when the time comes to pay the price because of poor construction quality.
6. ‘bribe’ paid to turn ‘life saving drugs’ as ‘life taking ones’ by whom-so-ever-concerned
all this and such related issues come under the category which are sinful in nature…..

Now, this is for understanding of the term ‘bribe’ and the consequence of ‘bribery’ at every level. Does this understanding make me a better person in any way? Since, the answer is no. For me the knowing is no knowing. Then, what exactly am I to do? The journey as and when I started was for my awareness and for me to choose how to express myself and my life the best possible way and to understand the repercussions of my various emotions lived and experienced by me in my life.

That means, it was always about me and my actions and my reactions to the situations in my life. Why did the question of others and their value system come into picture? As beautifully explained by Madhuri in yesterday’s comments, let’s sit to sharpen our axes if we want to be excellent workers. And that means, let’s cleanse ourselves of our acquired self if we wish to make this world a beautiful place to live. Because, world is nothing but the figment of my imagination. I am making a difference in this world. Then if it be so, what is MY contribution to this world consciousness? That only is in my hand – literally and that’s where the journey should start too…..journey of cleansing this world of all its negativities – negativities being my own dropping from time immemorial…..

Count me in when ever you are planning to cleanse self and there in making this world a better place to live for you and for me and for every one around……..

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


So, today we wish to deal with the topic ‘bribe’. As already explained ‘bribe’ means ‘gift or consideration of any kind offered to any one to influence his judgement or conduct. It is a type of seduction used to influence a person’s way of working’.

This is practiced in various quarters of our life. Rightly understood, it is practiced by one and all in all walks of life. I’ll give just few examples. Don’t say “I don’t do it” and feel proud about it. This is not it. They should help us to point at all such related issues.

The most common and accepted would be a mother giving ice-cream or toffee in exchange for the food eaten completely or medicine taken or for behaving properly. We are teaching the kids to accept bribe right from the young days and we call it ‘love’. Every time we exchange some thing with the child in exchange for the rank he gets, for his behaviour etc are we not practicing bribing the soft way? We are not ashamed of it! In fact, we share this knowledge with other parents and ask them to follow it too….every person should do his duties on his own and shouldn’t expect any extra rewards for it – even the child for that matter. Because character is set right from then onwards. When we do it, we call it ‘love’ ‘small child no, so it’s ok’ ‘ yeh sab tho karma padtha hai’ and all that. And find fault with others when they do it in grown up situations?

That shows that I have an attitude that says “show me the person and I’ll frame the rule”. Is that right?

The second type come in day-to-day affairs like not wanting to pay fine of say Rs.500/- and bargain for Rs.100-150/- with policemen and get away with it. It is considered savings and good bargaining and even policemen get our swearing. But, more than him, I am responsible for his act. As this could have been totally done away with it by simply following few steps like 1.maintaining/ possessing all the papers required for /during driving 2. following traffic rules honestly and completely 3. by not breaking traffic rules thought it’s easy to follow traffic rules, it seems Herculean task for many to follow and then end up giving bribe and later complain against policemen. This is just one eg. And such related bribe situations can be totally done away with provided I want to.

The next type come under such of category where the person who to get his right is forced to bribe the person who needs to pay him his due. For eg. 1.a pensioner who’s asked by the officer to pay bribe to get his pension 2.medical bills / any bill reimbursed only when the person concerned is bribed. 3. loan/ clearance given only against bribe and all such cases.

Here, all the papers are intact and the person who’s to receive the amount is completely eligible to receive it and yet is forced to cough up some amount to the person concerned to receive the same. Here, it’s the clear case of person not doing his duty or expecting more than his salary just to do his job. This reflects person’s greed, dishonesty and lack of commitment towards his job. Greed, dishonesty and commitment are already dealt with. There is no end to these. At the same time, one can choose to bend to pressure or flow with tide depending upon his internal strength. Azim premji didn’t wish to bribe the official for energy and went to start his own power plant. And don’t say, well, he can afford to. No, he couldn’t afford to then. He didn’t know anything of power or energy then. But, he went on to get it because he WANTED TO.

Now, the question is do all of us, have the strength to lay our own roads to success? If not, why not? Why do we always get away saying “oh, but, it’s not possible for me because of x, y, and z reason?”

Every situation is an opportunity wrapped up as a bitter pill to chart out new routes to success. But, the question is, are we listening?

Every time, the world pushes you on to your knees, you are in perfect position to pray. But, are you happy praying or complaining about the knee pain – that makes all the difference!
The most dangerous type of bribe is yet to be dealt with....but that's for next blog....

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


It’s long after that I’ve seen comments/ doubts posted. So, someone’s reading the blog. So, to that one person who’s reading it, I’ll write for few more days to come. Yes, I was thinking of winding up writing on blog after the completion of ‘FA’ topic. But, I think, I need to shelf that thought for few more days to come.

The doubt raised is “why should honest people resort to bribery?” and such related questions. But, I have not touched ‘bribe’ anywhere yet. We are dealing with cheating only. Cheating is not equal to bribe.

Cheating can be understood as :
At physical level : 1. giving below graded or low graded quality/ service / good in exchange for money / kind.
2. When someone’s paying less than what he/ she should without letting the other person know.
3. When the other person trusts you and you give less than what you owe.
4. Taking undue advantage of your relationship, position, power and denying returning the due that you owe.
5. Telling lies and getting work done or getting cash / kind as favour.
Basically breaking trust of someone is called ‘cheating’.

At emotional level : 1. Using emotional blackmailing also comes under cheating.
2. taking undue advantage of position, relation, power and getting away with wish granted.

At spiritual level : I want you to come out on that…..
These are just few examples. They are not the only ways of cheating. Be aware of actions and the intentions behind every act and then cheating would be understood in totality of its nature.

‘Bribe’ on the other hand means ‘gift or consideration of any kind offered to any one to influence his judgement or conduct. It is a type of seduction used to influence a person’s way of working’. Here, many times it may not involve cheating also. A person waiting in the hospital for tests to be done pays few rupees to the ward-boy and gets them done without waiting for his turn is one such case. Here, actually the person requires that tests to be done and the hospital also is for doing it only. Here, no one is losing ‘actually’ much in this case of bribery. It’s the impatience on the part of the person that forces him to ‘bribe’ the ward boy and get his work done. Though it is considered illegal, actually there is nothing illegal about this. But, it is unethical. Others who are waiting lose out on their time which is bad. It talks about person’s selfishness and so it is bad. Otherwise, no one actually gets harmed by this or such acts. It is to be dealt in detail and that would call for one more blog…, wait till next blog….

Till then, contemplate on the meaning of ‘cheating’ and ‘bribe’ and ‘how much do I do either or both of these in my life?’ for the smooth functioning of my life?

This journey is to ‘know myself better’ and ‘not to justify my actions’ or ‘to fool or market myself as a good person’. So, let’s put aside our pretences at least in solitude and face ourselves in nudity of our thoughts and then think of revamping our priorities and goals in life…