So, today we wish to deal with the topic ‘bribe’. As already explained ‘bribe’ means ‘gift or consideration of any kind offered to any one to influence his judgement or conduct. It is a type of seduction used to influence a person’s way of working’.
This is practiced in various quarters of our life. Rightly understood, it is practiced by one and all in all walks of life. I’ll give just few examples. Don’t say “I don’t do it” and feel proud about it. This is not it. They should help us to point at all such related issues.
The most common and accepted would be a mother giving ice-cream or toffee in exchange for the food eaten completely or medicine taken or for behaving properly. We are teaching the kids to accept bribe right from the young days and we call it ‘love’. Every time we exchange some thing with the child in exchange for the rank he gets, for his behaviour etc are we not practicing bribing the soft way? We are not ashamed of it! In fact, we share this knowledge with other parents and ask them to follow it too….every person should do his duties on his own and shouldn’t expect any extra rewards for it – even the child for that matter. Because character is set right from then onwards. When we do it, we call it ‘love’ ‘small child no, so it’s ok’ ‘ yeh sab tho karma padtha hai’ and all that. And find fault with others when they do it in grown up situations?
That shows that I have an attitude that says “show me the person and I’ll frame the rule”. Is that right?
The second type come in day-to-day affairs like not wanting to pay fine of say Rs.500/- and bargain for Rs.100-150/- with policemen and get away with it. It is considered savings and good bargaining and even policemen get our swearing. But, more than him, I am responsible for his act. As this could have been totally done away with it by simply following few steps like 1.maintaining/ possessing all the papers required for /during driving 2. following traffic rules honestly and completely 3. by not breaking traffic rules thought it’s easy to follow traffic rules, it seems Herculean task for many to follow and then end up giving bribe and later complain against policemen. This is just one eg. And such related bribe situations can be totally done away with provided I want to.
The next type come under such of category where the person who to get his right is forced to bribe the person who needs to pay him his due. For eg. 1.a pensioner who’s asked by the officer to pay bribe to get his pension 2.medical bills / any bill reimbursed only when the person concerned is bribed. 3. loan/ clearance given only against bribe and all such cases.
Here, all the papers are intact and the person who’s to receive the amount is completely eligible to receive it and yet is forced to cough up some amount to the person concerned to receive the same. Here, it’s the clear case of person not doing his duty or expecting more than his salary just to do his job. This reflects person’s greed, dishonesty and lack of commitment towards his job. Greed, dishonesty and commitment are already dealt with. There is no end to these. At the same time, one can choose to bend to pressure or flow with tide depending upon his internal strength. Azim premji didn’t wish to bribe the official for energy and went to start his own power plant. And don’t say, well, he can afford to. No, he couldn’t afford to then. He didn’t know anything of power or energy then. But, he went on to get it because he WANTED TO.
Now, the question is do all of us, have the strength to lay our own roads to success? If not, why not? Why do we always get away saying “oh, but, it’s not possible for me because of x, y, and z reason?”
Every situation is an opportunity wrapped up as a bitter pill to chart out new routes to success. But, the question is, are we listening?
Every time, the world pushes you on to your knees, you are in perfect position to pray. But, are you happy praying or complaining about the knee pain – that makes all the difference!
The most dangerous type of bribe is yet to be dealt with....but that's for next blog....