Sunday, June 28, 2009

Reiki Meet - 28-06-2009

Reiki Meet

Today was one more special day. Our Reiki Meet at Gandhinagar, Hyderabad went off really well thanks to each one of your participation. (I am thanking those who had come..). Yes, Mona (Madhumitha) many missed you and we wish you happiness and success in your chosen career. Your mother and sister brought your presence with them. So, actually we didn’t miss you. And yes, thanks for the Reiki sent.

Few of the channels left the premises midway which made the purpose seem lost. What is the purpose of this meet? It’s not some function at home where just giving attendance as a formality is a must. And hence, out of compulsion, we go and stay for few minutes to hours depending on our convenience and leave immediately after. Is reiki meet a compulsion? Did some of you turn our out of fear or some other feeling or emotion – anything except love to share reiki knowledge and to bond with other reiki channels? If it is so, I am sorry, I created a reason for you to feel compelled.

But, it was not for anyone who felt the meet was forced on them. It was exclusively only for such of reiki channels who wished that they spend some time in healing, relaxing and who wished to be infected with the commitment and enthusiasm of fellow reiki channels in pursuing sadhan and thereby healing themselves and their lives.

Reg. reiki meet sms was sent to all. It was posted in blog. Still many didn’t contact for a mere reason that they expected me to extend the invitation personally. I am sorry to say the truth but it is – the loss is entirely theirs. If we let our ego decide our self esteem/ prestige, we are bound to lose out on various experiences and reiki meet – that too of 150 wonderful reiki channels is a very rare and a beautiful occasion and an experience that can’t be relived or imagined.

I forgot to thank Manjusha chittoor. She is the one who opened the blog for me and helped me become blog friendly. I really bothered her a lot those 2-3 days when we had to start the blog. Thank you manjusha. Everytime, some one says they benefited from blog, I transfer the thanks to you. And those of you who attended the meet had seen her and also listen her speak.

At the start of internal journey, it’s common to find oneself being bored/disillusioned with sadhan out of sheer happiness which comes of everything going smooth and as per plan. That time, many are bound to come out with statements “I don’t get time to do sadhan”, “how many more years do I keep doing reiki”, “is reiki all that is to do?” and the list is endless. But the bottom line is sadhan is thrown out of window once things fall in place in anyone’s life.

Second reason can be – we become so accustomed to draw symbols and see it work for us that it is difficult to take a situation that doesn’t mend to our demand even after doing reiki for a certain period of time. Then the first statement that comes to me is “what is the use of sadhan? Anyhow it doesn’t work.”
“I did reiki but still I did not get this”. One wish that doesn’t seem to be fulfilled only looms large in front of us. 99 other wishes that have been fulfilled don’t seem large enough now. But at that time, I felt on top of the world when it happened with me. Right? Because we tend to lose patience the last lap, we miss the chance of life time. And we also lose reiki from our life. Double punishment for one single stupidity of ours.

So, in reiki meets when we listen to others experiences we log on to our own memories of reiki miracles and understand how reiki has been always with me. Then it is a possibility I log on to reiki once more to enrich myself and my life. This is the biggest gift one can give oneself.

Always remember “sat karmon se sat sang bhala” - that means it’s better to be in right and good company that be doing good work. Lord Buddha used to say “always go in a group of five for bhiksha. That way any day, that group’s energies will be balance. High energies of A and B and low of C and ok of D and E is balanced by A and B passing on their enthusiasm and belief to C and the next day the table can be reversed and still the group balance would be same. Then it is easy for a sadhak to be in sadhan and then to outgrow his limitations.” That is exactly why I recommend reiki groups in every area/locality. Be in touch with other reiki channels in/around your area. Meet for only 2-3 hours / month. It’ll be a great booster to all such people. I can show the way, to walk on it is totally your choice. Right friends?

Thank you all once again for making this meet an enriching healing session. Photos will be posted in a day or two.



REVATHI said...

welcome new viewers to blog,
i request all of you to go through the old blog also - take your time, don't hurry but still start from the very beginning then your understanding could be more enriching. and all the comments, doubts, experiences - anything that you wish to post in comments - even if pertaining to previous posts - please - i repeat - please post in the lastest posts only..

mohan said...

The reiki meet was wonderful. The CD on meditation was very informative. What ever we have heard in our reiki class was shown in the CD clearly and the way how reiki enters in our body and how the enrgies spread in our bodies was shown beautifully.

I never expected that Poorna can compere in such a beautiful manner. She was just superb.

Mr. Murali's experiences and comments were good and laughable too.

I thank all the reiki channel members for making this meet successful.

I also thank Ms.Revathi for the Reiki meet.

Anonymous said...

The Reiki meet was wonderful experience. The huge gathering, great compere by both of them, good arrangements and sharing of experiences altogether on a whole was an experience in itself. The CD presentation was very informative & knowledgeable. The light reiki in the end was very different from the usual one. This healing for a month long as Revathi guruji had said was something which one has to experience for.

We all feel proud to be a part of such Reiki meet.

I thank Revathi guruji for the Reiki meet and also all of them for making it such a successful and wonderful experience for everybody. I already look forward to our next meet in the next year.

REVATHI said...

Hi, Revathi

The Reiki meet was indeed successful.. The experiences shared reinforced the faith in the power of Reiki. One has to understand that Reiki is not just a means to acheive the little desires that each one has as these are never ending... Even if one of these is not fulfilled then you begin to blame Reiki.. as mentioned earlier.. Treat Reiki as an aid in the journey of life... to help you evolve as a complete human being.. Trust its powers not just for little things but for grander intentions. and see the difference. I have rarely used it for smaller miracles as I know if you are spritually evolved.then the need to fulfil these small desires will not arise at all.. and this is precisely where Reiki could play a part.

Some quotations that I found very interesting and thought provoking:
It’s in the realm of mind that you control all in the physical.
It’s by working within that you change without.
The problems appear on the outside, the solutions are on the inside."
React and you are a slave to events and circumstances.
Respond and you are the master.
What is gained in speed is lost in strength. Build strong and at your own pace.
Instant gratification is the curse of modern civilization
A peaceful heart is a powerful heart.
You never see things as they are. You always see them as you are.
You don’t believe what you see, you actually see what you believe."
Love people and use things instead of using people
and loving things
"Living simply is one thing. Living in a miserly manner is another
Believe in who you are. Have faith in yourself and your God.
Trust the guidance within you. Don’t give way to doubt and fear.
Just two things are necessary for success in life. One is a sense of
purpose and the other is a touch of madness

vani (this mail has been sent to my mail id - revathi)

Swati said...

I have just attended one reiki meet and sadly that was the last reiki meet.
I was very new to reiki and very blank when I had attended. But yes I did experience healing energies and was amazed by the reiki experiences of all.

I wish mam starts the reiki meet again.

Swati said...

Looking forward for the reiki meet.