Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Me, My guru – working of Karma noted in a real-life situation!


In continuation of ...........https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2024/09/me-my-guru-working-of-karma-noted-in.html 


Me, My guru – working of Karma noted in a real-life situation!

Our Guru continued with explaining how karma dealt with people giving us some case studies. "II case: In a certain family, the eldest son was not liked by anyone except the father. So, when the father died, they made him sign a will relinquishing his rights. Years rolled by. His mother suffered multiple surgeries and was bedridden for 2 years. Her daughter whom she considered the whole world didn’t come to even see her once. Her second son at 70 yrs is working to run the family. All the riches washed away faster than they received. They experienced only poverty. What’s the use of usurping others' rights? You’ll end up not being able to enjoy a penny of it.

Such are the cases and many more too! Whenever I see, if I wait for 10-20 years, I see karma coming back. People pay back. Some realize and repent. Many don’t. those who repent change for the better. Their attitudes get transformed and they would’ve developed some very good divine qualities and lost or diluted their asuric nature. Others who don’t realize this suffer more and more.

They become more bitter and amass so much negativity from people in their lives. They become so lonely. They lived in hell! Because they don’t realize karma doesn’t get healed or exhausted in spite of having faced the consequences. They sow more karma with resentment and bitterness. The vicious cycle continues and that is ‘living in hell endlessly’! 


# me, my guru series, karma, you receive what you give, fate and destiny, destiny, as you sow so you reap, everything happens for a reason, 

read suggested https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2019/07/blessing-that-turned-into-curse-me-my_27.html 

read the complete link to understand many aspects of karma....

come back with your understandings, observations and your feelings...

what did you understand from the case study?

On Comment: further to https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2024/09/me-my-guru-working-of-karma-noted-in_0700808946.html?showComment=1728390305654 comment of Mona, this post addresses that question......

also read https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2014/04/mahabharata.html the complete link to get the answer .......

others can share your experiences and observations if any on same.....

Monday, October 14, 2024

The milestone reached – 329 posts – The ultimate one!


The milestone reached in 2024 – 329 posts – The ultimate one!

Finally, we have crossed 329 posts a couple of days earlier!!! https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=302+posts

This was the number – the highest number of posts in a year so far in our blog since its inception. This number was for the year 2020.

We have crossed the highest number of posts – 329 that means we have already created a new history in our blog of making a ‘new highest number of posts so far’.

We just have to wait and see where our work takes us to….

I still would be working as much as I can and let’s see how much more posts I can add to this magical number of 329 this year…..

Any guesses?

I will take one step at a time, one post a day and see where it takes me……

Kudos to you too for being with the post……

Having created a new record should we become a little casual about our work?

We can and usually people do too. But, is that the lesson we wish to learn and imbibe this year?

Usually, the goals that people set are ones in which we have decided to perform better than others, achieve more than others, and be more than others. Even if your goal is something along those lines, DON'T STOP even when you reach the said target. Yes, when you have crossed your opponent's mark, don't stop. Keep going. Set a record that would be difficult for even you to break in future! That should be the way we should work towards our goals. That would be so inspiring and worth working towards too.

Keep working in small doses but regularly and the magic happens at the appointed time.

Don’t be looking at the goal. Just keep up the good work and the goal is reached effortlessly.

These are just a few lessons we can take from this year’s journey!

Want to throw some more?


So what are your goals for this month?

What are your goals for this year?

What are your goals from this life of yours?

What did you learn from this "Milestones of 2024" journey so far? How can you apply it to your life plan and life goals?

Me, my guru – Karna receives what he gives!



Me, my guru – Karna receives what he gives!

Pointers to understand the post:

We didn’t overcome our pain today. We’ll not in the next few weeks too. It was too deep to overcome in a few days time. And yet, we knew we need to come to our Guru again and again just so that we stick to this path and hold on to this sadhan. Yes, left to ourselves we would be going astray. We had seen it happen so many times before – both with ourselves and with others. We wanted to avoid that from happening this time.” – Healing is not a quick-fix solution. In today’s 2-minute noodles days, we want instant gratification. We don’t have the patience to go through a channel for more than 2-3 minutes. We are ever restless. And that reflects in our spiritual practices and expectations too.

It needs time and patience. It needs regularity. It needs constant prodding from a mentor or a Guru. And yet, it is worth all the pain, time and wait at the end. Be in sadhan. Be regular in sadhan. You will see results only if you are regular in sadhan. Drawing a symbol to get bus doesn’t fall into the “sadhan” that I am talking about.

We just had to keep going with our sadhan. Yes, we would falter. We would experience pain too in this process. But, this pain was worth it for the prize was worth it. the pain itself was the key to set us free from pain. What a wonderful thought!” – We needed pain to make us realize our area that needs to be addressed and healed. Our key to freedom from pain and suffering also lies in the pain and suffering only! And our techniques help us overcome them easily and more effortlessly in less time.


# me my Guru, Karna, Mahabharata, Itihaasa of India, on receiving and giving, Law of Karma, suffering and pain, good deeds and their repercussions, acts and their impact, how our deeds decide our fate, fate and destiny, choices, dharm, 

also read this previous post to understand better 

read the link given to understand how our karmas follow us even after 100 or 1000 janmas, how we bear fruit of our actions/karma when the time comes.....then you will understand how and why "good people" also suffer .....

read the link given to understand how healing works....it may seem that it is giving pain to the healer and the sadhak when in actuality it is redeeming him from his karmas https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2020/05/me-my-guru-on-death-and-healing_23.html 

read the link given to understand how our attitudes affect the results that we bear from our karma 

Questions to be answered:

What did you understand from this post?

How does our sadhan and good acts help us in our lives?

Are your questions addressed?

What is the purpose of doing good acts and being good?


Sunday, October 13, 2024

Me, my guru – Karna receives what he gives!



Me, my guru – Karna receives what he gives!

Pointers to understand the post:

But, as the day turned to night, Karna couldn’t overlook his hunger. So, he asked the Angel “Brother, you’ve been showing me around all the places. But, I am very hungry. Why don’t you give me something to eat?” – see how Karna addresses the Angel with loads of affection and respect. Just because he had earned a seat in heaven it didn’t go to his head.

Our post, position, money, achievements, contacts and so on shouldn’t make us arrogant. I find many go head strong with “I am a Reiki Master” statement. It is just a degree. Know that. Be that!

Same applies to everything else too!

Be humble. Don’t think we are entitled to anything in this or after life! No one gets respect by demanding. One earns it by his behavior and character. And humility is that attitude that gets you respect from others. Know this and develop that character.

“Because you’ve given various kinds of riches as charity in the World below (meaning on Earth). But you never gave food to anyone. So, you will not receive food. In the heaven, you receive 10 times of what you give on Earth. You can’t receive what you didn’t give!” the Angel said and left.” – So you see, not all our good karmas are encashed in this form and on Earth only. They are also encashed in our astral forms.

The impact of our karma and their workings go beyond one life time and human body!

So you see you receive what you give in equal measure. That is the Law of Karma. You can’t redeem one act of yours with your desire as you please.” No body, absolutely nobody can redeem their one punya with their any desire. Do not get confused with being good and earning brownie points for doing good.

# me my Guru, Karna, Mahabharata, Itihaasa of India, on receiving and giving, Law of Karma, suffering and pain, good deeds and their repercussions, acts and their impact, how our deeds decide our fate, fate and destiny, choices, dharm, 

also read this previous post to understand better https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2017/07/soul-journey-jada-bharath-bhagavatham.html 

and also 

https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2017/08/on-healing.html to understand what healing is and how healing works?

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Me, my guru – Karna receives what he gives!


Pointers to understand the post continued from previous post.........


Me, my guru – Karna receives what he gives!

Pointers to understand the post:

Like many days before, we came to our Guru’s place with our baggage of frustrations, anger and accusations. In fact, I’ve noticed that most of us would come only with our complaints. We didn’t even think of her much (though we ended up saying ‘we think daily of you maam’ when we met her!!) in our good times. I mean, who had time to go meet a Guru in times of fun and frolic. And then, who wanted to??” – Many go to temples in times of need.

Many practice various religious rituals in times of need.

Many visit their Guru in times of need.

But, when things are going smooth, people don’t have time for SADHAN, DOING POOJA OR TAKE UP SOME PENANCE.

Dukh mein sumiran sab kare, sukh mein karein na koi,

Jo sukh mein sumiran karein tho dukh kahe hoye….Kabir Das.

No excuse is valid for such a mindset.

Don’t fall to this temptation of this World.

Enjoy your life the way you want to. But, also make it COMPULSORY to sit in sadhan on daily basis. Visit your Guru (if you have one) on regular basis. Be in sadhan – regularly!

This is the ONLY SENSIBLE way of living right!

Our Guru didn’t answer immediately. She received a call. She went to receive that. In the meantime, we were served our tea. A few minutes later our Guru joined us. She sat comfortably and had her tea as we poured our heart out.” – When things go wrong, everybody’s emotions are disturbed. Their behavior, words and tone is highly disrespectful and volatile.

Look at the way the Guru behaves. That is the way one can behave in similar situations. This comes with practice like everything else in life!

We need not get suck into the disturbing emotions around us. We can still maintain our calm and poise. Take time to respond to others’ accusations, however personal and baseless they are. RESPOND but never react.

Ek chup sau sukh! Remember that! And put that into practice. We won’t need to mend the broken relationships later.

# me my Guru, Karna, Mahabharata, Itihaasa of India, on receiving and giving, Law of Karma, suffering and pain, good deeds and their repercussions, acts and their impact, how our deeds decide our fate, fate and destiny, choices, dharm, 

also read this previous post to understand better https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2016/01/how-your-feed-back-helps.html 

Friday, October 11, 2024

Me, my guru – Karna receives what he gives!



Me, my guru – Karna receives what he gives!

We stayed longer than needed. Discussed among ourselves. Worked on ourselves with a few techniques. We left tired and in pain. The journey was a long one. And it needed us to be on this path – regularly to overcome our pain and suffering.

We didn’t overcome our pain today. We’ll not in the next few weeks too. It was too deep to overcome in a few days time. And yet, we knew we had to come to our Guru's place again and again just so that we stick to this path and hold on to this sadhan. Yes, left to ourselves we would be going astray. We had seen it happen so many times before – both with ourselves and with others. We wanted to avoid that from happening this time.

This time as we closed the gate behind us, we knew this was the gate that would open the doors to peace and joy – one day!

For now, with a mind confused and heavy heart we left her place. Yet, there was a hope that was beyond reason in all of us. The hope that said that our Guru will take – nay lead us to the land of bliss where there was no pain or suffering – the land that she always talked about. It was not the land as promised by some of the prophets of other religions. No, our Guru was talking about our state of mind that we could live with – that which was everyone’s right!

We just had to keep going with our sadhan. Yes, we would falter. We would experience pain too in this process. But, this pain was worth it for the prize was worth it. the pain itself was the key to set us free from pain. What a wonderful thought!

What a wonderful state of existence!


Pointers to understand the post continued in next post.........


# me my Guru, Karna, Mahabharata, Itihaasa of India, on receiving and giving, Law of Karma, suffering and pain, good deeds and their repercussions, acts and their impact, how our deeds decide our fate, fate and destiny, choices, dharm, 

also read suggested https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2017/04/me-my-guru-ramayana-and-rama-indian_18.html 

read the link to see how karma from one birth impacts our other janma - not all that we reap in this life is the result of our present life actions.....

Questions addressed:

Why a person who has done so much charity suffers so much in life?

A person goes to the temple regularly, lots of pilgrimage faces so much of negativity in his life?

A person who has helped all didn’t receive any from others. So, what is the purpose of being good?

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Me, my guru – Karna receives what he gives!



Me, my guru – Karna receives what he gives!

You are connecting the wrong dots here!

YOU ARE ASSUMING WRONG! Law of the Universe doesn’t cater to your demands, assumptions and expectations. Our pain and suffering are the affect of these wrong attitudes.

By doing good to others we are cleansing our souls and karma. It aids us in becoming pure. Being pure is the pre-requisite to Realize Self. That’s all!

It has got nothing to do with how others would behave with us or treat us. Their behavior reflects their attitudes, character, level of consciousness and their choices. It reflects who they are! It impacts their karma!

And yet if you are desperate for a ‘good relationship’ with people then you have a special sadhan technique for that taught to you in class. Do that and see results.

This is like saying “Maam I know all the capitals of every country in the World and yet, why did I fail in maths?


“I know all the tables in maths and yet why did I fail in languages?”

Can you see how baseless these questions are?

The same is the way we connect our sadhan or acts of our life with events in our life.

Do not connect the wrong dots ever – say that again! You will find no right answer that way. You’ll only be frustrated and disappointed. You’ll end up going in circles. Ask the right questions to seek answers that’ll free you from bondage.

Work on your disturbing emotions when they rise. Only when you’ve sub-dued them, seek answers” so saying, she left us for the day.


# me my Guru, Karna, Mahabharata, Itihaasa of India, on receiving and giving, Law of Karma, suffering and pain, good deeds and their repercussions, acts and their impact, how our deeds decide our fate, fate and destiny, choices, dharm,