(.......contd ..from previous post....)
Apart from the few techniques already discussed in the previous posts, you can choose any or practise all of the following :
5. Count from 1 to 21 as ONE – 1, TWO – 2, i.e. spell the number and then mouth the number. Only condition is that you should have no thoughts except counting. For eg: If after counting three 3, you get any fleeting thought then, come back to one. That means to say you start all over again, the moment any other thought crosses your mind.
6. Pick up a tree of your choice. Sit in front of it. Select only one leaf on that tree and start looking at it. Your sight will wander to see sights beyond “the leaf”. Cut it there and bring it back on to the leaf. Hold your vision on that leaf. As your sight wanders, keep bringing it back on “that leaf”. Do it till you are able to hold your sight on the leaf for a min of 15 minutes at a stretch. To reach this limit, it may take months of practice. No issues. Keep practicing till one day you are able to effortlessly do it.
7. Ring a bell, preferably “OM bell”. Close your eyes. Mentally go with the OM till its end-point. Ring the bell again and practice it once again.
As simple as they seem, try practising them and then tell me they are simple.......
..but, at the same time, the benefits are far beyond the levels of acceptance and belief...but to talk and discuss on that issue, you should have atleast practised few of the techniques, then found the magic of awareness engulf your presence.........then.....then....i can talk further on this issue....
do promise to come up with few more techniques in the next post....
till then, happy practising.........