Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Reiki meet photos

Feeling totally rejuvenated and relaxed after light-reiki....
A huge 150 odd reiki channels relaxing by letting go - this meditation was relaxing for many...

We all love our Dear Mother Earth. and we showed our love by healing her en-masse....was a novel experience by itself....

Earth healing - by I degree students - all healed the earth with Globe.....

All shared their experiences with fellow reiki channels....liked by many and disliked by few though....

Mruthyunjaya Mantra Homam going on....and all are chanting the Mantra....was it same as performing it at our homes?

My parents becoming emotional and sharing their feelings at the end of the meeting........

All the healing, feeling, experiencing and growing made possible by the Adi Guru shivji and our Reiki Master - Dr.Mikao Usui..... thank you all the more for everything and more......

Start of the programme was done by performing Mrutyunjaya Homam. The homam was performed for world peace and for monsoons .......
All this can be performed individually by us at our respective homes.....and as it is we are doing the same at our places daily....then what is the purpose of this meet? - Was the question asked by few reiki channels who being disillusioned left the premises mid-way....
honestly i didn't have the answer ........... i did attend to their query though........... but .........


WAIT so you can Believe what you see ......

On walking into the factory, the MD noticed a young guy leaning against the wall, doing nothing.
He approached the young man and calmly said to him, "How much do you earn?"
The young man was quite amazed that he was asked such a personal question, he replied, none the less, "I earn $ 2 000.00 a month, Sir. Why?" Without answering, the MD took out his wallet and removed $6000.00 cash and gave it to the young man and said, "Around here I pay people for working, not for standing around looking pretty! Here is your 3 months salary, now GET OUT and don't come back".

The young man turned around and was quickly out of sight.

Noticing a few onlookers, the MD said in a very upset manner, "And that applies for everybody
in this company".

He approached one of the onlookers and asked him, "Who's the young man that I just fired?"

To which an amazing reply came of, "He was the pizza delivery man, Sir....!"
When we jump to conclusions at the first instance or in the first few minutes of seeing someone or hearing someone, it is but inevitable that we end up jumping to conclusions which can harm us in more than one ways. We may also lose an opportunity to learn/unlearn something. We'll never know what we have missed if we don't have patience to wait and see what is in store for us. Patience is a virtue. Develop it. It pays like nothing else.
When we don't have patience, we SEE what we want to believe. But, the growing happens when our mindset is tuned to Believe what we see or feel.
Think about it.............. Opportunity missed is an opportunity lost - lost for ever....

Monday, June 29, 2009

Stop Analysing and start Living!

Please Note : All the reiki channels can contact me directly either for crystal healing classes or for dowsing classes.

Any body who wishes to talk to me, ask for explanation, doubts can talk between 6.30-8.30 pm every day at my landline no. given to all. i haven't restricted anyone from calling me. There is no person exclusively close to me through whom you need to contact me. I repeat - all are equal to me. No one need a via channel to be in touch with me - for what so ever be the reason.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Reiki Meet - 28-06-2009

Reiki Meet

Today was one more special day. Our Reiki Meet at Gandhinagar, Hyderabad went off really well thanks to each one of your participation. (I am thanking those who had come..). Yes, Mona (Madhumitha) many missed you and we wish you happiness and success in your chosen career. Your mother and sister brought your presence with them. So, actually we didn’t miss you. And yes, thanks for the Reiki sent.

Few of the channels left the premises midway which made the purpose seem lost. What is the purpose of this meet? It’s not some function at home where just giving attendance as a formality is a must. And hence, out of compulsion, we go and stay for few minutes to hours depending on our convenience and leave immediately after. Is reiki meet a compulsion? Did some of you turn our out of fear or some other feeling or emotion – anything except love to share reiki knowledge and to bond with other reiki channels? If it is so, I am sorry, I created a reason for you to feel compelled.

But, it was not for anyone who felt the meet was forced on them. It was exclusively only for such of reiki channels who wished that they spend some time in healing, relaxing and who wished to be infected with the commitment and enthusiasm of fellow reiki channels in pursuing sadhan and thereby healing themselves and their lives.

Reg. reiki meet sms was sent to all. It was posted in blog. Still many didn’t contact for a mere reason that they expected me to extend the invitation personally. I am sorry to say the truth but it is – the loss is entirely theirs. If we let our ego decide our self esteem/ prestige, we are bound to lose out on various experiences and reiki meet – that too of 150 wonderful reiki channels is a very rare and a beautiful occasion and an experience that can’t be relived or imagined.

I forgot to thank Manjusha chittoor. She is the one who opened the blog for me and helped me become blog friendly. I really bothered her a lot those 2-3 days when we had to start the blog. Thank you manjusha. Everytime, some one says they benefited from blog, I transfer the thanks to you. And those of you who attended the meet had seen her and also listen her speak.

At the start of internal journey, it’s common to find oneself being bored/disillusioned with sadhan out of sheer happiness which comes of everything going smooth and as per plan. That time, many are bound to come out with statements “I don’t get time to do sadhan”, “how many more years do I keep doing reiki”, “is reiki all that is to do?” and the list is endless. But the bottom line is sadhan is thrown out of window once things fall in place in anyone’s life.

Second reason can be – we become so accustomed to draw symbols and see it work for us that it is difficult to take a situation that doesn’t mend to our demand even after doing reiki for a certain period of time. Then the first statement that comes to me is “what is the use of sadhan? Anyhow it doesn’t work.”
“I did reiki but still I did not get this”. One wish that doesn’t seem to be fulfilled only looms large in front of us. 99 other wishes that have been fulfilled don’t seem large enough now. But at that time, I felt on top of the world when it happened with me. Right? Because we tend to lose patience the last lap, we miss the chance of life time. And we also lose reiki from our life. Double punishment for one single stupidity of ours.

So, in reiki meets when we listen to others experiences we log on to our own memories of reiki miracles and understand how reiki has been always with me. Then it is a possibility I log on to reiki once more to enrich myself and my life. This is the biggest gift one can give oneself.

Always remember “sat karmon se sat sang bhala” - that means it’s better to be in right and good company that be doing good work. Lord Buddha used to say “always go in a group of five for bhiksha. That way any day, that group’s energies will be balance. High energies of A and B and low of C and ok of D and E is balanced by A and B passing on their enthusiasm and belief to C and the next day the table can be reversed and still the group balance would be same. Then it is easy for a sadhak to be in sadhan and then to outgrow his limitations.” That is exactly why I recommend reiki groups in every area/locality. Be in touch with other reiki channels in/around your area. Meet for only 2-3 hours / month. It’ll be a great booster to all such people. I can show the way, to walk on it is totally your choice. Right friends?

Thank you all once again for making this meet an enriching healing session. Photos will be posted in a day or two.


Friday, June 26, 2009

Ask and it shall be given; Seek and it shall be shown; knock and the door shall be opened.

1. Death is just an extension of life!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Many a times, I’ve realized that just existence is worth a celebration!

Visualize, memorise, talk and feel ONLY about the thing/ things that you wish to experience /have in life and see life unfold into a beautiful seemless garment of celebration……..

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Smile.............and see the problem dissipate into a solution.......

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

How can you denounce something without knowing it completely? Know it first. Then, talk with authority of the feelings for something that you know firsthand.

Monday, June 8, 2009

It is indeed misery if I stretch an empty hand to men and receive nothing; but it is hopelessness if I stretch a full hand and find none to receive…।

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Do we really hate the person for himself or for what he shows of me?

Once in the city of Anuraagpur lived a wise and loving prince who was loved and honoured by his subjects for his just rule.

But, in that city lived a beggar who was bitter against the prince and was very vocal about it too…. He despised the prince for all the love and admiration that he received, when he a poor man was never regarded with love by anyone…..

The prince knew this but kept quiet for many years…then one day he sent a sack of flour, a bag of soap and a bag of sugar to the beggar’s hut.

The beggar was elated and started telling everyone how the prince was dying to be in his good books and how he was using every means to please him. His opinion did matter. He was proud of this fact. But, in that kingdom lived a wise saint and he heard the beggar talk low of prince and of the gifts the prince had sent for him.

He came near beggar and explained with a smile “my dear fellow, the prince is indeed a very intelligent man. He has sent the sack of flour for your empty stomack. Soap is clean your dirty body and the sugar to sweeten your bitter tongue.”

From that day, the beggar became silent. But his hatred for the wise saint was greater than for the prince for he had revealed the prince to him. His dislike for prince also increased. But, he suffered his dislike in silence………

जो मुझे आईना दीखाये मुझे उससे नफरत क्यों है?
जो कोई सच मुझे बताये मुझे उससे गिला क्यों है?

How come I hate the person who shows the mirror to me?
Who so ever tells me the truth – why do I have complaints with him?

We love the person who shows us our good self (many times imaginary too!) and hate the person who shows us our real and bad self…… love or hate towards anyone is just the reflection of the feeling we have for that character of ours which is found in that person……and we all the way were assuming that we love or hate others……… this is maya…..this is illusion….world is real. It does exist. But the world as we see and presume is a figment of our imagination. That is maya. That doesn’t exist. Beware of this…….

Recheck your emotions towards one and all……..honestly……there is no one to love or hate. It’s only you all the way….. wake up! Love yourself unconditionally and completely and see yourself loving all and sundry……..detachment is not running away from the emotions. They are the best things that’s happened to human life. Detach yourself from this ‘maya’ ‘unreal’ and you’ll find yourself attached to one and all that right way – the way of love……..

Friday, June 5, 2009


1. Please send healing energies to Earth and heal the earth with peace for atleast 3 days from today and sms the same message to all…….healing can be done by homam, healing earth with peace as taught in II degree, magnified healing or with crystals, chanting mrutyunjaya mantra atleast 108 times……
2. Also balance Swadhistana charka by any method known to you
3. send reiki to balance water element in the earth


Firefly driven by the sense of sight gets drawn to light and looses its life.
Bee for want of nectar gives in to its taste buds and stays on to the flower and gets trapped when the flower gets closed at night and dies.
Elephant during mating season is so reckless that by tying female elephant the hunters catch the male elephant in the trap laid. Touch sense drives the elephant to death.
Deer is so bound by good music and is lead to the trap by the hunters by playing good music. It’s ears are its enemy. It takes it to its doom.

These animals have weakness of only one sense organ. And that sense organ has weakness for a specific taste only. For eg. Bee has weakness for taste (mouth-sense organ) and that too for nectar only. It doesn’t have weakness for biryani, chats or ice-creams either. One organ which gives in to one taste can drive that animal to its doom. No doubt even God’s can’t save the man who is driven by all the five sense organs and also five vikaaras – not to forget mind and intellect. No wonder, man creates so much of pain and suffering in his life. Just think about it………….don’t you really think we need to recheck our affiliations that we have with our sense organs and mind?………..

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Before going to heal negativity called jealousy, let’s get to understand its symptoms? Few common give aways are:
a. I can never be happy in others happiness, achievements, purchases etc. whenever, I hear good news in other’s life, it turns me down. I feel “but, I have always wanted it this way and I am not getting it. Why this injustice is meted on me always?”
b. Whenever I hear that person ‘A’ has given gift to person ‘B’ I feel miserable. I feel –
i. Why person ‘A’ didn’t gift me?
ii. Why don’t I have a relative / friend like person ‘A’ in my life to gift such expensive gifts to me?
iii. If person ‘A’ gifted this to ‘B’ that means ‘A’ is earning a lot. How come I don’t get to earn this much?

Such thoughts and more which call for suffering and pain. In a transaction between A and B, where is the need for me to suffer?

On the contrary any person filled with love and gratitude would feel as follows in the similar situation –
A. It reminds me- even I need to gift x, y, z like-wise in my life
B. What a good relation these both share
C. What a generous person is ‘A’ etc., etc…..

To overcome this negativity is the most easiest of all vikaras! All that one needs to do is concentrate and work on one’s own progress. Never compare your success, achievements, possessions with that of others.

Only person who is worth competing in the entire world is “yourself”. So, compete only with self and resolve to update and upgrade yourself every day of your life.

As simple as it sounds, people don’t want to drop it. But, just for three months time drop it and experience the freedom, peace and happiness within. (satisfaction guaranteed!) else you can always go back to your old suffering self.

Sadhan technique to do it is simply – DO IT!
Each one of you has ‘Will power’. Now, go ahead and prove that you have ‘Won’t power’ too. ‘Won’t Power' is
· I won’t experience jealousy from today. As it makes me feel lousy. (lousy is in jealousy)
· I won’t be jealous of my friends and near and dear ones’ success, achievements and possessions.
· I won’t be unhappy in others happiness.

Simple, right?
So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and experience the empowerment that comes in dropping this negativity from you. Why? Because, it is only harming you all the way. It is also harming every person close to you. You are digging your own grave. It is no sensible thing to do. No intelligent person would ever do it. And I am sure no one out there is a fool. So.

May we see the sensibility in outgrowing this addiction from our life NOW than later………..

(also refer blog post on pain/how fate is written?)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


……Truptram’s wife’s happiness was dwindling day by day. She didn’t like this feeling. She wanted to be happy always! Her wish was so simple – yet it always eluded her. This was sheer injustice. Surely someone couldn’t bear her happiness. Yes that was it! There possibly could be no other reason apart from that. But, they didn’t know her. She would show them – show them that she was happy inspite of them wishing of them wishing other wise!

With this resolution, she approached her husband who was playing with their two kids. She stopped. She was staring at the kids and the effect of their laughter on her husband’s face. She like what she saw! She liked more what she understood. Now she knew every person loved his/her child more than themselves. Each person’s happiness depended on their childrens’. So, she called Truptram aside and demanded “I want a wish fulfilled right now!”. He smiled and asked “and pray what is it?” She replied “First, promise me, you’ll fulfill it immediately without asking question and swear on our children.” Truptram was amused at her talk. Without thinking much he promised her.

She said “Then – wish that one of our kids die now!” Truptram was totally taken aback. He was confused. Anger took over his confusion later. He started to shout when his wife reminded him that he had sworn by his children. He hated her. He hated himself more. With broken heart, he pleaded her to see reason and the pain involved in this wish – but adamant she was. She had her own logic to counter his request.

At last, lost to her blinded passion he wished that her wish come true! Their one kid dropped dead immediately. His wife with excitement ran outside to see the fate of her neighbours. All her neighbour’s children were dead. Wails, wails everywhere… not one house was left untouched. Death danced in every house. She came home to share this good news with her husband and also to thank him for giving her this joy.

But Truptram was packing his bag and leaving along with his child. She was surprised. He looked at her and said “Enough of living with you. I’ve created enough of pain to last this whole life. I am taking our child away so that atleast she remains safe and pure. You’ve stopped being a human being long back. You, you have turned into a demon completely. I am leaving for good. May good sense prevail in you before it’s too late!”. She tried in vain to stop him.

But, she wasn’t all together sorry too. She was drunk with joy for now. She would think about other things tomorrow. Wasn’t tomorrow just an other day…..she slept in peace.

Next day, morning, she got up excited. But was surprised to hear no noises at all from anywhere. She found this odd. She went out. Not a single soul in sight. Not even milkman and sweeper. This really was odd. She went to neighbour’s place to check the reason. She found the whole family dead in the hall with a letter “There is no more sense in living in this witch infected village. No children – and spouse crippled and blind – no sense in living. We are going to meet our kids.” She was shocked. She ran to other houses. Same story every where. It was a village of dead bodies. Except her, no one was alive in the entire village. She felt cheated. How could they all do this to her? They all planned it so well – they wanted to see her suffer. Yes, they couldn’t bear her happiness. She has lost – she has lost to all! Now, She had no one to compete. This was senseless living …………

Most common of all, vikaaras is ‘Jealousy’ and is so abound. But, least recognized as it is put forth by the statements like :
a. I just want to be happy.
b. I deserve more than I have and they get more than they deserve.

Why do we succumb to this weakness? Think………

Till then, keep healing and meditating……..

Monday, June 1, 2009



One saint by name “Truptram” lived in Himalayas for many years. He exuberated love all around him so much that children in the neighbouring village came to him and enjoyed his company all through the day. One day, he felt if he could love other’s children so much, how much more he can love his own children? This thought pushed him towards the plains below. He choose a lady to share his life with, married her and lived happily for few months to come.

His wife found after some-time that her happiness was not much when compared with others. She found happiness wanting. She requested her husband ‘Truptram’ to do something about it. He asked her as to what she exactly wanted. She said “A huge bunglow”. He told her he could bring anything with his yogic powers but there was a condition. Whatever they got, their neighbours would always get double. She agreed to this condition. She got a bunglow. Out of joy, she ran out to tell her neighbours about it but to her dismay, she found that each of her neighbour got two bunglows. Her joy immediately evaporated. She ran inside and cried her heart out.

Next day, after much thinking she felt she should ask for Benz car. She requested for the same from her husband. He chanted the mantra and they got a car. She felt she could really feel others being jeolous of her new car. She wanted to see their pain on their face. She rushed out. But……..

But, she found that all her neighbours got two cars each. She was totally disheartened. She felt she never could be happy with things going this way. The more she worked her way to possessing something, her neighbours always ended up having two of them. Her pain knew no bounds. She had no one to share her suffering too! No one understood what she went through the whole night.

Then an idea stuck her. Her happiness knew no bounds. She now knew where her happiness was! She had the key to her happiness at last!

Morning came. She went excitedly and asked her husband to wish “I should lose one leg and one arm.” Truptram became puzzled and said “But, you’ll have to live with a husband who has only one leg and one arm. How can you be happy in that situation?” His wife smiled and said, “You are seeing what I’ll have to live with. But, I am seeing what others have to live with! Everyone’s husbands’ will lose both arms and legs! Such a beautiful thought! I never suffered with what I had! I always lived with pain because of what others had! It may be difficult nay impossible to have more than others, but atleast I can see that others lose more than me and that way can be more richer and happier than them – always!”

Her husband though confused went ahead with her wish. He lost his one arm and a leg. Neighbour’s men lost both arms and legs. She was at last happy.

Few days passed and life seemed so boring.. she felt she deserved some new happiness. She asked her husband “Please pray ‘I lose my one eye’. Truptram knew that there was no point in arguing with his wife. So, he just did as told by her. He lost his one eye but in the neighbourhood, in each house, man of the house lost both of his eyes. Gloom descended in the entire village. But, Truptram’s wife’s happiness knew no bounds. She partied and her happiness spread over few weeks.
