Tuesday, July 22, 2014



“End times” also means “wrapping up time” in the spiritual world which the world of energies! When you talk of pain, desire not being fulfilled inspite of sadhan, getting back love in exchange for love – well, all this and more talks about the physicality of existence and its needs only! That is, you are talking about material things only – even love in your world and talk mean material! For eg: when you say I love him and he doesn’t respect,reciprocate or has cheated me –what exactly do you mean by that? Have you ever thought about it? You are just saying “I waited for him in the bus stop/I cooked for him/I earned for him/looked after him etc etc” all this talk about only what you did? So you are being physical! Let’s see this from different angle.  Close your eyes and ask yourself “why did I do all that I did for him/her?” 

Be open to listening the right answer! You’ll be surprised with the answer! Well, I’ll not delve on this now, so the world of energies is the world of spiritual beings! There, more important is or rather only important thing is to clear one’s account as soon as possible so that one can move on! The account naturally means the account of “karma” that includes both ‘good and bad’ karma!

When there is so much of time, why the hurry? Know that the planet earth has so much of time not necessarily you and me! When our time comes (I am not talking about this life’s death only!), we are just wiped out! For eg: dinosaurs were wiped out during ice age and so were mammoths.  Few other animals survived! These dinosaurs and such wiped out animals lost their chance to evolve into higher beings and they were shifted to lower worlds! Every life form is given only a set number of years of existence on this earth and whatever is the evolution that happens, well based on that their existence is continued or wiped out!


1 comment:

Kshitija said...

Aptly said when I read this last time I was not able to understand this but now I am able to understand better